The gang is joined by Survivor survivor Trip Payne to discuss all things Probst. Plus, a very unusual Game Time!
Oct 21, 2014
American Horror Story returns for a season set in a freak show. Joe Reid returns to discuss it!
Oct 15, 2014
It's a fine, rare episode that features Mandy Patinkin and Carl Reiner; Jeff Drake helped make it happen.
Oct 6, 2014
Nick Rheinwald-Jones joins us to talk about the one and only decent cop in Gotham, and also everyone else.
Sep 29, 2014
Allison Lowe Huff joins us to talk Madam Secretary, Star Trek: TNG, and charisma vacuums.
Sep 22, 2014
John Ramos returns to talk about the fall shows we're excited for...and the ones that make us nervous.
Sep 15, 2014
Go Fug Yourself's Jessica Morgan returns for discussions of Project Runway, The Quest, and fandom portmanteaux.
Aug 18, 2014
For our discussion of Cinemax's new Steven Soderbergh/Clive Owen drama, we invited Alan Sepinwall to join us, because who better than a man who's seen seven episodes?
Aug 11, 2014
Stephanie Early Green joins us to analyze The Bachelor/ette, Sex In The Wild, and other 'fiancee-type stuff.'
Aug 4, 2014
Face Off returns, and Monty Ashley joins us to talk about it!
Jul 28, 2014
Omar Gallaga returns for our Bad-Ass Week discussion of great TV bad-asses!
Jul 7, 2014
Challenge veteran Lilit Marcus joins us for timey-wimey true-crime talk, a cinematic Game Time, and more!
Jun 30, 2014
Talking Fargo and Orphan Black with Jeff Alexander!
Jun 23, 2014
Our Game Of Thrones correspondents Jeff Drake and Nick Rheinwald-Jones return to Extra Hot Great to discuss the finale. Here be monsters! (Sort of.)
Jun 16, 2014
Joe Reid returns to talk about the shows we'll be enjoying in some A/C this summer.
Jun 9, 2014
The Nerdist's own Matt Mira joins the gang to discuss Catfish and Star Trek: TNG. Now with more gutterminded flute jokes!
May 19, 2014
Who is Jeff Alexander working for?!?!? Us, as we make him watch 24: Live Another Day, and also join us to talk about it.
May 11, 2014
EHG Mark 1 star Will Leitch joins the gang to ponder Louie, review Review, and play a balls-out Game Time.
May 5, 2014
We dig into Orphan Black's second season and find all kinds of crazy anomalies in its DNA!
Apr 28, 2014
It's Tara's turn to play EHG hooky this week, and John Ramos returns to talk Mad Men and scrap for valuable Dave points. ('That's what she said.')
Apr 21, 2014