Prime Video’s new unscripted show invites product creators to pitch supposed experts from the business world for the chance to get their wares featured in the Buy It Now store; reality TV expert Andy Dehnart returns to discuss what is essentially “Shark Tank, But Crappier.” Around The Dial takes us through Somebody Somewhere‘s final season, The Summit, Four In A Bed, and Raiders Of The Lost Art. Andy pitches the Dating Around episode “Guru” for induction into The Canon. Then, after naming the week’s Winner and Loser, it’s on to a Game Time with a lot of love to give. Put down that goop that lets you wash your face without water, and join us!

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Oct 30, 2024 Should You Click On Buy It Now?
Andy Dehnart returns to discuss Prime Video’s new Shark Tank knockoff!
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[0:14] This is the Extra Hot Great Podcast, episode 534 of the week of October 28th, 2024. I am unpierced beer can David T. Cole, and I'm here with baffling price points, Sarah D. Bunting.
[0:33] American dollars?
[0:35] Dirt baller Tara Ariano.
[0:37] Who's ready to get dirty?
[0:38] And glowing audience phallus, Andy Denner.
[0:43] Ooh, press my button.
[0:48] I take responsibility for that. I didn't actually read it until that moment in time. Very good, Andy.
[0:55] We'll get to Andy in a second. Welcome to Extra Hot Great for another week. First, we have an announcement about our Patreon, which, as you know, you can always find at slash club. A few weeks ago, after we hit our most recent Patreon campaign goal, and thank you to everyone who helped us get there, we mentioned that we were going to have to revise our list of forthcoming perks because there was one at our next milestone that involved Mademoiselle Caroline, but she has had to put that on pause for the moment. We do hope to get her back for a perk later on, but for now we can announce that when we hit our next goal, 200 some odd dollars from now, we will unlock two perks. Number one, new commentators. In the spirit of the most awesome thing Kim saw on TV this month, we will bring you a monthly segment from beloved guests slash watchers of idiosyncratic programming, Stephanie Early Green and Carrie Race. In alternating months, Stephanie will bring you a report on the weird reality shows she watches. Perhaps a romance show like Love is Blind or 90 Day FiancΓ© might be an update on Welcome to Platteville. when she takes a break Carrie will come at you with her review of a piece of musical TV like a variety show performance an MTV artifact or a bizarre old TV theme song, So that's one perk to be unlocked at the next milestone. The other is number two, Drunk Dave College Show.
[2:18] What's that, this one?
[2:19] Yep. This is exactly what you think it is. Dave's going to have precisely one drink immediately get plastered and take calls from listeners. But you have to be in the Patreon to call and you have to be in the Patreon to hear it. This is a one-off perk for quite obvious reasons, but you can help make it happen and, quite frankly, help make history. So once again, slash club. If you can kick up your pledge, that's great. If you can just be part of the street team, tell everyone you know who loves television to get in the Patreon. That's wonderful. And as always, if you're only on the free feed, we love you too. And you can help us out by just spreading the word that this podcast exists. Tell everyone, again, that you know who loves television and rate and review.
[3:07] All of that really helps. Woo! This makes me, I'm excited. I'm excited too, because coming back, finally, he's been sitting here patiently. He is a writer and critic. You've heard with us here before. We had to cancel on him in the spring because I got bronchitis straight from reality blurred. It's Andy Denner. Welcome back, Andy.
[3:27] Yes, Andy.
[3:29] Thanks, all. I'm glad to be back with y'all.
[3:31] Thank you so much for your patience. We had you on the bonus earlier in the summer, but now we're happy to have you here for the main show as we discuss Buy It Now, in which entrepreneurs who feel they can satisfy the four P's, pitch, product, popularity, and problem solving, bring their innovations to Buy It Now. First, they get 90 seconds to convince at least 10 people out of the 100 in the studio audience that their product is worth investigating. Then they answer questions and state the price, at which time audience members have the chance to change their vote. If they still have 10 or more audience members on board, at that point, they go on to answer to a panel of judges, Jamie Simenoff, founder of Ring, one Amazon executive, it's a different one in each episode, one woman comes back twice in the five that I watched, and one celebrity product founder. After more questioning, two out of three yes votes from the judges gets the product into Amazon's Buy It Now store, JBSmoovePosts-ish. If you are listening to this the day it drops, the first three episodes are up on, and you're not going to believe this, the Amazon streaming platform Prime Video. With more dropping one at a time on Wednesdays after that, let's do the Chen check-in. Andy, should our listeners watch Buy It Now?
[4:51] And alas, even despite the glowing phalluses, it's a no from me.
[4:55] Sarah.
[4:56] It is a no from me as well.
[4:59] Dave.
[5:00] I'm sorry. This publication is no longer endorsing products from Amazon.
[5:03] Oh, man. Oh, my God. I didn't even think of that. I wrote all these notes before the latest Jeff Bezos PR debacle, which you can look up if you somehow missed it. But Jesus Christ, really bad week all around for this company. I'm a no as well. and I reviewed it at Cracked and you can read that. We'll link it in the show notes. Let's get into it. We're reminded at the top of every episode that Jamie Siminoff pitched an early version of Ring called Doorbot on Shark Tank years ago and that he got rejected. He seems fine. He's done well for himself since then. And he's gotten to appear as a guest shark on the show. Andy, is the existence of this whole ass new series kind of an extreme overreaction to that early failure?
[5:46] Very probably. It's definitely an overreaction to thinking they needed their own Shark Tank. And every time we say Jamie Siminoff or Ring, I'm just going to say fuck Ring because fuck that product creating a surveillance state in all of our neighborhoods. And all of our neighbors like screaming about like the fact that there's a child running through their yard. And should they call the police because they can now watch everything. So anyway, I hate that company. And I can't believe this guy is the anchor because he has about as much personality as a Ring doorbell.
[6:14] Oh, he's really awkward. And anytime he laughs, it's even worse. He has not got the human touch. Sarah, what are your feelings about this as a fan of Shark Tank as a hotel TV watcher?
[6:28] It has kind of a lot of good tools for this kind of programming, which I enjoy. I like Shark Tank. I liked The Prophet back before it got kind of like Lamona started trying to be Anthony Bourdain, kind of, but like a personal journey. Like, no, we just want to see you yelling at some corrupt seafood merchant in Rhode Island. And anyway, I like this kind of programming more than most people. And this had a lot of like good sort of foundational things in it. Like I think the audience vote is good. I think the putting the floor where it was was smart. I think then pitching it to the executives and sort of giving these people like 90 seconds is a good amount of time to let them pitch. And that gives you kind of an idea of how new or not they are to this process. The judges in the one episode I watched asked good questions, but There are two major problems. The first one I regret to say is JBSmoove. And the second one is that, like, if you subtracted all of this stuff from the relentless, it's like Boa strangling product integration of Amazon itself, I might be willing to give it more of a chance, but you can't, so I'm not.
[7:50] Dave?
[7:51] There is a moment in the first segment when they're dealing with a CPR helper template, like you put it on top of the person and you follow the instructions where to press and where to do this and that the first judge who is the amazon executive for this episode says this is the first product we've seen so far that's giving me goosebumps it's the very first segment of the show i realized they were obviously shot out of order but whoever is producing this show that is the minimal effort you can make just so that the first word out of this figure of authority in your show isn't, I'm stupid. Of course, this is the first segment.
[8:30] Like, it's not her fault. Yeah.
[8:32] But she can definitely fire whoever's fault this is, because it made her look kind of dumb. And that sort of level of care is the show.
[8:40] Yeah.
[8:41] The hosting, J.B. Smooth, not great. He has three go-to things, and he just repeats them. The products are, they're okay. but I don't really get a sense that anybody is really energized about any of it. And then the prize, there's like some money you get.
[9:02] Oh, yeah, they get $20,000.
[9:03] The prize is you get to go into the Buy It Now store on Amazon, which you think you're like immediately like, wow, that's got to be so many eyeballs on that because how many people go through the Amazon homepage? No, not the Amazon homepage. It's the Buy It Now page. So it's just a page they made for this show that nobody knows about and nobody will watch. And you're going to be on that page for the week that your episode aired, I suppose, is the prize. Whee! Whoop-de-doo!
[9:32] Andy, you were nodding. Let's talk about J.B. Boobs. J.B. Boobs. No. Talk about J.B. Smoove as a host of this weird show.
[9:40] So he's horribly miscast here. And like the thing in reality TV now is you need a celebrity because that's the only way they're going to get people to watch. Or at least that's what Hollywood is currently convinced of. And he is just the wrong celebrity because he cannot handle the business of the show in a sort of cadence that makes it clear. He does it in a sort of comic cadence. And that is completely weird. And then he is funny sometimes with his improvisation, but at least in the 1.3 episodes I watched, he tends to like get like sort of over, he overreacts. He like berates a guy in the audience in the first episode for not liking the product. And it's like, if you have an audience, like I get making fun of someone, that's great. But like, he just takes it to a place that just doesn't, it just doesn't work. So, yeah, I think just kind of like you all said, it's like there's all these kind of maybe good ideas that just like the execution of them just is completely a fail. And he's one exhibit there.
[10:44] Yeah, he makes a window to the walls reference in the second episode where it's like, the next line is about the sweat dripping off my balls. This is not appropriate to the venue. Guy.
[10:55] Yeah, I mean, he's a good host for some things, but for something like this, you need a Pat Kiernan who is a little like he can be humorous, but is more like of a friendly, like keeping things moving host presence than J.B. Smoove, who is more of like a, you know, dinner for five. what you know whatever his like mostly basketball honestly show was on on msg talking about sports like he's great at some hosting things this is not a good fit and for every time that one of the celebrity judges was impressive to me like i would have watched another hour and a half of gwyneth paltrow asking questions about products that were not answered by the presentation or the camera work hello like if you want us to invest in this process you have to show us what we're actually like investing in emotionally as viewers so that we care whether it's invested in financially by amazon and then to your point about today's point about the buy it now page i have a secondhand bookshop i can get my shit on amazon in like 10 minutes like it's if you want your shit on Amazon, do I advise it?
[12:09] Not necessarily, but it's extremely doable for almost any civilian. You don't need this avenue. So it should be more watchable because the reward is not enough emotional stakes for the audience, in my opinion.
[12:26] And there's the major issue, I think, of the Amazon store that the show never addresses what that means for the product. Is is Amazon going to take 80% of the profits just because they're putting it on this show? And I even dug through the casting application trying to find an answer, and I could not. And I think that's one of the ways the show is weird in that it seems to think the most interesting part of the Shark Tank process is the pitch, and that's rarely the case. It's the actual negotiation and about investment, about what the product and business has done so far and vice versa, and then kind of getting into the financials and negotiating all that. The judges like can ask a question about the product, but then they sometimes ask questions about the business that don't matter. It's not like they're like, we're going to take 50% of your business. So how much of it do you own? Like, there's no reason for them to talk about all that kind of investment stuff, because it's just about the product.
[13:18] Right. And especially because it's Amazon, like this is a company that I think has overall, even before this week, I would say a PR problem. Like everyone has heard the stories about drivers like peeing in bottles in their trucks.
[13:32] Saves time.
[13:34] And if you dug even a little deeper, then you've probably read about like, you know, the AI slop in the reviews of products or how Amazon will just like make its own version of a product that does well. Like that would be my worry if I'm making something which this is an incredibly stupid product. But in a later episode, there's a guy who pitches like a P a curved piece of plastic that you stick in the brim of a baseball cap to make it curve the way you want. And when he demonstrates, it's like he's like, just, you know, steam it. And then someone in the audience is like, does the steamer come with it? He's like, no, he gets in the store anyway. But like, that's the perfect kind of thing where it's like, OK, if this sells, Amazon's just going to make its own version and like sell it for three cents cheaper and fuck this guy over, probably.
[14:19] But crazily Sarah I agree about Gwyneth Paltrow because there's a moment in that first episode where one of the products that's being pitched is a game called beer darts which seems like guaranteed like someone is losing an eye for sure if you buy this thing yeah but she's like I can see this being a hit I have college students that you know my kids are college age I can see this being a hit in a dorm. And then Carmen, the Amazon executive who got chills from the very first pitch in the very first episode is like, yeah, but college students aren't drinking age. And Gwyneth is like, yeah, I forgot. Like she's makes this woman look so out of touch. It's like when you're being out relatable by Gwyneth Paltrow, like revise some choices in your life because.
[15:10] This amazon lady like just did not seem human and by contrast like it's it was like the sea skiing trial all over again i was like oh no i love gwyneth alton fuck.
[15:20] I mean yeah and then she's like she she's not getting chills from the fact that the cpr thing is gonna have like liability issues attached like i know there's samaritan laws but like that just looked like a piece of dropship plastic that they are definitely going to find a way to do for three quarters of the price and screw that lady over. But Gwyneth Paltrow was the only one who sort of seemed engaged with the process in terms of like, how much does this cost you to make? To like, whenever I was scribbling down, a question that I would have scribbled like 10 years ago during a profit episode for my Tinder questions feature about that every week. Then she was like right behind me being like, have you thought about going direct to whatever bars or outdoor game spaces with this game? And it's like, okay, Gwyneth Paltrow, good for you. She does actually seem to know what she's doing a little. Maybe she should be the host of this. But I mean, I think there's no fixing it because of the Amazon aspect so.
[16:23] No it's true so many of them get through including ones where it's like 11 people have have said yes and it's like seriously there was there's only one in the second episode who doesn't make it even to the judges panel and he is i'm sorry to say a guy who owns a pool store who has dubbed himself the vac daddy and made like a huge enormous like pendant gold i pray plated necklace that he wears along with like a cowboy hat and shit for his pitch wow his product is a vacuum for your pool that's 1300 and once he says the price people in the audience like the few who were like okay the red way oh no absolutely not no and there's so much just i mean the hat brim curver is just one example of the stupid junk that people are trying to sell that like no one needs like a little rattle that you stick on your phone so your baby looks at the camera and you get better photos of your baby like have you thought about doing this or like shaking keys like you don't need to buy a rattle.
[17:26] And getting some gorilla glue.
[17:27] This is difficult no it's not any by.
[17:30] The way that was a product that was on shark tank except for dogs.
[17:33] Uh it was like a little ball and.
[17:34] That was so that was like five years ago so basically they're just taking to our point earlier the like sort of dregs of these kinds of products and throwing them up there and i do think the audience part that you mentioned Tara is.
[17:47] The most.
[17:48] Interesting part like the fact that when the price comes up they said they can like adjust their glowing phallus.
[17:53] To be red or green as the as the.
[17:55] Episode goes and I I think they really miss an opportunity to use that more.
[17:59] They just kind.
[18:00] Of call back to it sometimes but that's more interesting and then I also I just think that they misfired by making it only threshold of 10 people have to like.
[18:08] The thing like they.
[18:09] Should they should churn people through this much much faster and just like you don't get two thirds maybe half, you're out. And like 90 seconds, you're out. Goodbye.
[18:17] Yep.
[18:18] Mm-hmm.
[18:18] This all seems extremely cynical, and it is, but it's not the end, because guess what, guys? Amazon also has a Win Your Wishlist show coming later in November, hosted by Nick Cannon, and this is why Vertical Integration is bad for some time.
[18:33] I already got my wishlist done. I'm not having to watch any more. Buy it now.
[18:38] Yay! Pew, pew, pew, pew! Bye.
[18:45] Take that giant corporation that doesn't know who I am.
[18:49] You just lost yourself a customer. They didn't, by the way. Dave loves Amazon.
[18:56] I don't love Amazon, but when I need something right now and it's tech related, I can't find it in Austin, so I get it through Amazon.
[19:05] I know.
[19:07] I also like to pee in a bottle. It is time for Around the Dial. Tara, you're up first.
[19:12] Well, speaking of peeing in a bottle, just kidding. No one pees in a bottle in the third season of Somebody Somewhere, which premiered its third and final season on Sunday on a bit of a down note, whereas the show started out as a study in grief revolving around Sam, played by Bridget Everett. The first season was about her basically being convinced into friendship with Joel, played by Jeff Hiller. And then the second season was about the two of them being so close that it might constrain their relationships with anyone else. And in the third season, everyone but Sam is having various kinds of success. She's back to being a little bit lonely. But in that she does now have a great group of friends who just can't include her all the time, she's more aware of the events that aren't for her. Joel is moving in with his boyfriend, Brad. Sam's sister, Trish, is a huge success, making novelty throw pillows with various cunt jokes embroidered on them. Even Pepper, the shelter dog Sam is thinking about, gets adopted by a couple. And the season premiere has a very sad ending, so I want to assure everyone the season does pick up from there. I promise. I've seen the whole season. And I can also say it is perfect, including the stuff that stays unresolved. And I also have to stress what I said in my review at Cracked, which I'll link in the show notes, which is on paper. This seems like a downer of a show. It definitely has sad moments because it's extremely true to life. And sometimes life is sad. But it is also so funny when Sam, for example, has a meet and greet with Pepper. She's being so gentle and tender. And then she quietly asks what Pepper thinks of fantasy football.
[20:40] You think it's dumb, right? Trish, who is tiny, gets herself a huge SUV. And when she gets behind the wheel and can barely see over it, Sam says she looks like a little potato, which she does. Brad and Joel disagree about keeping Joel's beloved Vitamix on the countertop because Brad likes the counters empty. But they're both so polite about it that Joel has to ask if they're having their first fight. The show is a portrait of a woman who has a tendency for depression and self-destruction sometimes. But I really do promise if you'll watch it, you will laugh because the same woman is also extremely funny. I'm going to miss spending time in this world, but 21 episodes is more than I would have ever dreamed were possible for a story this small and perfect. And I'm glad we got any of it. Never mind this much. And I hope the creators and stars will be back with something new very soon. Watch Somebody Somewhere if you haven't watched it yet. It's so wonderful. And for my plug, I will link you to that review, as I already mentioned.
[21:32] All right, Andy, what have you been watching recently?
[21:35] I'm going to mention two reality TV shows, one of which is on Wednesdays and more worth your time than buy it now, which is The Summit. It's been paired with Survivor. Basically, it's a bunch of people climbing a mountain over 14 days. Periodically, a sentient helicopter shows up and threatens them while they're climbing up something and then drops a giant yellow bag with some kind of weird threat in it. And then they have to do things like chop a rope bridge while one of the contestants is on it. And they all stand there and cry before they continue to hike.
[22:04] So if I haven't sold you already, the interesting thing about this is a it's a cold weather reality TV show, which we don't see competition reality TV in that environment as much. And Since it's the first season of a show, although it's based on an Australian format, you get players who are trying to figure out how to play a game without knowing what the rules are or where it's going to go. And that, to me, is super interesting. Like, they are debating whether they should vote off the people who can actually climb the mountain or the people who are holding them back. And they get to sort of steal their money is the conceit of the show along the way. But they don't know why they would do that. And so watching this kind of rationalization and these relationships develop to me is very interesting. So if you like Survivor, The Mole, Traitors, those kinds of shows, this one might be worth giving a shot.
[22:55] The other show is called Four in a Bed. It's old. It's been around for a while. Basically, Four in a Bed is from the same producers that gave us By It Now, Studio Lambert. But they also gave us The Traitors and The Circle so they can produce good TV.
[23:10] Four in a Bed is four bed and breakfast donors competing against each other for a plaque in the grand tradition of British shows having a really high stakes. They do this by staying in each other's bed and breakfast for one night and then giving each other grades and feedback and then paying what they think their stay was worth. So there's lots of British drama in all of this in that they get extremely chuffed when someone mentions that like there was dust on a nightstand or they go into the bed and inspect for hairs, probably which are their own dropping all over the place. And it's extremely low stakes drama, but it is wonderful because they are real businesses and they are real bed and breakfast. So you get to see those. And then you also get to see how people choose to play the game, like, do they pay all 100 pounds for their room or do they deduct 25 pounds because they had to walk across the hall to go to the bathroom? Like, it's really, really fascinating. Um, yeah, highly recommend four in a bed and there's something like 20 seasons or there's a lot. So, and it just kind of plays all the time and is on demand as well. And because they were sort of stripped, uh, across a week, like all five episodes, the four visits and then the finale, when they find out how much they have paid, um, there's so much recap. So you can like really get away with paying about one third of attention and you'll get everything.
[24:32] Nice.
[24:33] Nice.
[24:34] So for my plugs, I will link to my review and recaps of the summit and then also my review for in the bed and let you know where you can actually find it. Once I figure that out.
[24:46] Sarah D. Bunting.
[24:47] I am here to talk about Raiders of the Lost Art. That title is goofy, but at least what it is is right on the tin. It is a two season show from the Beeb from like 10 years ago. They are telling the stories of works of art, shocker, that got lost, shocker, that usually means stolen. So that's obviously where Buncee came in. I actually came in because I was looking for a Dutch show hosted by an art detective, and I could not find it anywhere, even on YouTube, which seems sort of shocking in Year of Our Lord 2024. So I settled for this. And if you are looking for informative and soothing, 22-minute chunks of crime-adjacent and extremely British art history that isn't gory, isn't political, and isn't, uh, intimidatingly professional.
[25:42] Raiders of the Lost Art is the perfect thing to avoid election coverage and conversation with. And when I say it isn't intimidatingly professional, what I mean is that whilst discussing Edvard Munch's fairly miserable childhood, which included his mother's death from tuberculosis when he was four, one expert notes that it must have been incredibly tiresome to listen to her coughing all the time. Okay. Yeah, but also, dude, that was his mom and he was four. As well, if you're trying to find the most British name in history, your journey may have concluded with show contributor Calandra Caldecott.
[26:23] Wow.
[26:24] Yeah, throw in a Pippa, game over. Anyway, I'm just trying to keep you all from losing your minds for the next week. I will have a link in the show notes to a list of similar programming from Just everything from Bob Ross to Kenneth Clark's Civilization with an S, which I know is on YouTube because sometimes when I can't sleep, I just listen to him droning on about past masters. And if you would like more of my thoughts on art heists, you're in luck. You can step over to Reality Blurred. My work husband has put out a little shingle for me and Eve Beatty to write about true crime. And that's what we're doing over there. So we'll have that link in the show notes as well.
[27:05] All right, coming up on the next Extra Extra Hot Crate this Friday, I have a couple questions about this. It is Hallmark Pluses. First question is, did we have to actually subscribe to something to cover the show we're going to talk about?
[27:18] No, I got a screener.
[27:19] Okay, phew. Hallmark Pluses, Finding Mr. Christmas. It's a reality show, yes?
[27:25] Yes.
[27:25] That's not my question. Wasn't Mr. Christmas Jason Priestley?
[27:29] That was, he was in Mr. Christmas.
[27:33] Wasn't that show, wasn't that movie called Mr. Christmas?
[27:35] No, it was.
[27:36] Christmas guy?
[27:37] It was.
[27:38] Here comes the Christmas dude?
[27:40] No, I'll look it up.
[27:41] The daughter of the Mr. Christmas chain of stores was in my RA group in college. Yikes.
[27:47] All right. So we're going to put that together. And that is Hallmark Plus's Finding Mr. Christmas, which is a reality show.
[27:53] Dear Christmas.
[27:54] Dear Christmas. All right.
[27:55] That was his lifetime movie.
[27:57] All right. So Finding Mr. Christmas is they're trying to find the next Christmas dude for all their fucking Christmas movies.
[28:03] That's correct.
[28:04] All right. But we also have a bonus extra, extra hot great for you next Tuesday. It is this week in historical TV in which the week is September 4th to the 10th, 1991. Dan Casino is our guest and he will join us to discuss Cast a Deadly Spell, an HBO TV movie that involves H.P. Lovecraft, but not really. Also Fred Ward as a noir detective. It's it was kind of great.
[28:31] We kind of all loved it. Spoiler.
[28:34] We got a cheers cannon. We got a whole bunch of stuff from that particular week in 1991. That is for our club members only. Go to slash club for more info and to sign up. And then back here next week, ESG Prime is the Brady Bunch in the White House TV movie. And we welcome back Tim Grierson for that one.
[29:03] It is time for the Extra Hot Great Cannon. Presenting this week is our guest Andy. Andy, take it away.
[29:10] Friends, today I'm here to present to you the tale of two reality TV chaos Chrises, as Tara likes to call them. Chaos Chris Colan gave us Netflix's Love is Blind, you know, the show that imprisons people in sound stages and hotels until they agree to get engaged to someone they've only talked to through a wall like good little heterosexuals. The other reality TV chaos, Chris, is Australian Chris Colvenner, whose name you've seen on shows like Holy Moly and That Beautiful Disaster, Stars on Mars, plus the reboot of The Mole. He gave us Netflix's first dating reality TV show, Dating Around. It debuted a full year before Love is Blind took over and became the only show anyone talks about. It's by far the superior show, Dating Around, and that's for its willingness to break reality TV conventions, its stylistic choices, and its representation of dating. I hope by canonizing it today, you'll send a message that it is at least worthy of listeners and viewers digging it out of Netflix's colon. Bowels, that is, not Chris.
[30:19] Dating Around has delightfully short episodes, 26 minutes, on Netflix. Each shows us one person going on many dates. In episode two, which we're discussing today, that's Gurky, a divorced woman in her 30s. Gurky meets her first date, bald man who's walking up a ramp to greet her. Are you Salim, she asks. I am Salim, he says. Then he introduces himself. I'm Bam, like the cartoon. Sitting at the bar, the bald man with the two names now has a beard and hair, and his name is now Justin, and they order drinks. Clip one.
[31:13] I know all straight men can blend together, so let me translate that. That was several guys ordering drinks. So, yep, this is basically the reality TV, everything, everywhere, all at once. Gerke is sitting in the same seat and not moving and not changing, but her dates are swapping in and out, and she's talking to them individually. The location, the camera angles, even the people in the background, all the same. But these are actually separate dates filmed on separate nights, just edited together in a really clever way to make it seem like one probably excruciatingly long night in Gherky's life. This is kind of disorienting at first, like with the introductions, but it's also oh so clever in that it captures the absolute monotony and misery of first dates. It's just one after the other and they're interchangeable until they're not. Dating around doesn't actually give us any cutaways to interviews so we can hear what Gherky thinks about all this. We just see it happen. We're listening in on absolutely scintillating conversations, like in clip two. Space. I want to go to space. You want to go to space?
[32:22] I want to go to space. That's crazy.
[32:27] Later, we hear about Justin's dreams in clip three. So if you weren't doing what you're doing now, Like, if you could just.
[32:41] Every night with the guitar in my hand. Oh, nice. You play the guitar? No, I don't.
[32:49] Tell me you haven't been on a date like that and I'll call you a freaking liar or extremely lucky. Sometimes there are sparks of connection that just sneak up and surprise you. Here, for example, is Gerky and Manny in clip four.
[33:28] We follow Gerke from the bar to dinner at a restaurant and then to what the show calls after hours. That's just another bar, not a revival of the reality show foursome on the Playboy channel. All of this is filmed and lit and edited in a very cinematic way. And it seems really well-crafted, not just coughed up for tabloid consumption of the people who are going through this process. It's a short amount of time for the episode, but we actually do see relationships develop and or fall apart. Some of the men just fade away. Justin kind of aggressively asks Gerke about her parents' arranged marriage in clip 5. But how do you feel that it's like a woman or a man has no choice in⦠Arranged.
[34:22] Parents basically like tindered and got married. They swiped. Sold. I mean, that I laugh too. It makes me feel a little bit warm that they could turn that conversation into something pleasant. Alas, Justin isn't done lecturing Gerky about marriage in clip six.
[35:01] Oh God, shut the fuck up, dude. Then things get really awkward in clip seven. And if you can't handle that and you're going to get defensive, I'm asking you. Well, obviously, we're.
[35:19] Good. Please. By all means, exit.
[35:25] Here's the remarkable part of the episode. Justin actually leaves, never to be seen again. Bye-bye, fuckface. This is amazing. Dating around doesn't force connection or time together or post-date interviews. The producers just let Justin stand up, walk away, and leave Gerke sitting on her own, sipping on a straw in the bar. Obviously, there are cameras and producers and wardrobe and hair and set designers and lighting designers and editors working on this, but it really does feel somewhat true to life despite all of that production. Each episode actually ends with us finding out who among these daters gets a second date. In this episode, it's actually kind of a confusing end, which is probably the weirdest part of episode two itself. We just see Gerky walking out of a store with shopping bags. And it finally occurred to me like, oh, she doesn't need one of these men. She just bought herself some massagers at Sharper Image. I love that dating around is willing to break its own rules in the second episode and not even, again, force her to choose someone. Love is Blind's Chaos Chris may have forced Gerke to pick a guy just to film the scene and get her paycheck and get her phone back and go back to her life, and maybe even demanded she marry him. But Dating Around's Chaos Chris just let that reality play out. And that's why I think Dating Around belongs in the canon.
[36:45] Andy, thank you so much. I'm going to go first because I think I'm the only one other than Andy who's watched it at all. This is a really remarkable episode. I mean, the brilliance of this show is like it looks it looks so different from every other show in this category. Like it doesn't look like The Bachelor. It doesn't look like Buried at First Sight. Even Love is Blind, I think, has a little more polish on it. But it also does the cutaways, which this doesn't like it feels more like a documentary. and the way you can tell however they do the shooting must absolutely disappear into the background is Justin like just losing his mind and being that shitty on camera.
[37:25] Like just have, he just clearly has forgotten what is happening here or so it seems because yeah, that's just a tiny, what you clipped is just a little bit of the fight and how inappropriate and rude it is where he's basically making accusations about his about her marriage having known her for like 90 minutes or whatever he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about she's being generous when she's like this is a cultural difference was like yeah okay that's part of it the other part is he just jerk you don't have to let him off the hook that much what makes it so interesting to watch is like the monotony is part of it but it is the tiny differences of like how the same question gets answered, including by her, that she's, you know, we intercut between all of these conversations and you can see how she's, how she relates differently to the different guys based on how interested she is in them, it seems. Because after the dinner, there's a couple where she's like, okay, bye. And like, they don't get to after hours where, you know, one is like, well, I'd love to do this again. She's like, maybe. That means no.
[38:30] Sorry, Jay, the cop. But yeah, Yeah, this is, it's certainly a very remarkable episode for how it portrays the way a date can go left, even when things seem like they start well. Yeah, like you said, breaking its own rules by not making her go on another date at the end is, you know, it's an interesting way to approach this and sort of make you as a viewer think, okay, these are adults who are being treated like adults and they're given the chance to like actually take this, whatever this process is seriously, including I'm done with the process and I don't want to do it anymore. Like that's that's an important thing to portray as well. So this was a perfect selection for this show. I'll also say if you like couples therapy, this is sort of the dating version of that where you it's it looks very elegant. It looks more like a documentary. And it also feels like it's catching people in completely unguarded moments, which is what makes it fascinating to watch. Sarah.
[39:32] Well, I definitely wanted to keep watching, so that criterion we can check off. This brought me right back to the high churn Charlotte in Sex and the City being like, I've been dating for 20 years, where the fuck is he moment, parenthesis derogatory. The way they do it, it really does look so expensive. You know where in the city they are, which for me is sort of like, this isn't a soundstage, and everything isn't like drop ship furnished crap like these are real people in real locations and i mean how many fucking justins did i have to shed after an appetizer so many and it's just so but it's so skillfully done like they aren't sort of like with cartoon arrows like see how much he's over talking like yeah you just look at and part of this is just like being a you know woman in the world, but it's like, there's just a fucking wall of talk water that's about to break over you. And you're like, whatever, just drown me. I don't care anymore. So it's very evocative of that reality. But then when, like Andy said, you do take a second to think about like what must have, how much effort goes into life. like subtracting the reality of the production from your, the audience's awareness of the show.
[40:57] It's really amazing. And then it's like 26 minutes and you're not, it's not just like, okay, let me just recap for you again, what you just saw. It's not really explaining. It is really elegant and it is really relatable. Like just those moments where she's like, you want to go to space? And he's like, I want to go to space. Space, space, space, space. Wow, that's crazy. Like, oh, God. I mean, now I'm having kind of flashbacks to dating, which I don't want. But this is an excellent presentation. And I'm thrilled to know about this show. I'm mad that there's only two seasons to enjoy. But definitely go read Andy's review of it on Reality Blurred, because the other thing it's doing is not homogenizing the cast the way other dating shows that are not like it kind of have to do or think they have to do when they really don't. This is such a smart, efficient, entertaining take on this genre. And I had never heard of it. It was fascinating. And Gerke, wherever you are, shop like the wind. Good for you. I hope however you wanted all of this to turn out is how it turned out for you.
[42:10] Yeah. Before Dave goes, I'll just say efficient is really the key because it's quite remarkable how in 26 minutes you feel like you do have a sense of all six of the people involved, which is hard to do. Dave?
[42:23] So, you know, this isn't my type of show. So I'm going to ask this question and don't read into it. I'm generally just asking. You guys have watched so many overproduced dating shows. And by overproduced, I mean production and concept.
[42:37] Yes.
[42:37] That when you get one that's generally sort of like just a camera on a date, albeit many dates all sort of rolled up into one. That that is the hook. That is a normal look at reality dating. Normal-ish anyways for this. So it's come around full circle.
[42:53] Yeah.
[42:54] The innovative dating reality show is a show in which you watch people who are dating in the real world.
[43:00] Okay.
[43:01] Just checking. Just getting a check here. I thought the editing was clever, as Andy was saying at the top. But this type of show has to do so much more to catch me. I mean, it is not a slam on Andy's presentation, which highlighted many things I wasn't even really thinking about while watching this show, just because like this type of show shuts me down. I'd much rather watch Dating Around than Love is Blind or any of those like information deficit dating shows, which is like.
[43:29] Married at first sight.
[43:30] Yeah, exactly. It would have to take a lot more. Just like there are like three episodes of Survivor that I can watch and the rest of them I just have to pass because it's just not enough for me. this falls into there. So I won't belabor it. Let's put this to the official folks. I think it don't matter what I think. Tara Arellano.
[43:47] Yes.
[43:48] Sarah D. Bunting.
[43:50] After hours for me, it's a yes.
[43:52] All right. So that's two against one. And that means that dating around season one, episode two, Gerke, you are hereby inducted into the extra hot Grey Kennan.
[44:18] Nope. All right. It is time to discover who is the winner and loser of the week. I am the winner because I really enjoy, by the way, Sarah, talk water. Put it in the lexicon. All right. Who is the winner of the week, Sarah?
[44:31] It is Only Murders in the Building. Its co-creator, John Hoffman, basically confirmed that the show was the means by which Martin Short and Meryl Streep fell in love. And later he told Deadline about Meryl Streep tearfully thanking him for including romantic scenes for her on the show because she thought that was a part of her professional life that was over. And that whole story is extremely cute. I love them. Summit girl. Go ahead.
[44:59] I'll just say something to look forward to question mark. I talked to Wendy Malick yesterday that interview is not going to be published for a couple of weeks, but she talked about that too, about how, you know, at age 73, it's still important to portray what it's like to date and not act like that whole period of, like you said, that that phase of your life is completely over. And she's, in her various shows, going out with a guy played by Harrison Ford and a guy played by John Larroquette. So not bad for old Wendy. My loser of the week is poor Man vs. Foods' Adam Richman, who was shooting in the UK and, while doing so, got a van full of filming gear stolen. My headcanon was that when he called the Food Network to say this had happened, they were like, did it get stolen or did you eat it? Because that's his whole thing of being on Man vs. Food.
[45:53] See, I thought the film equipment smelled so good from being in all those restaurants and whatnot that somebody just stole it, thinking it was something else.
[46:01] Could be. They opened it up.
[46:02] They're like, ah, PCRs.
[46:03] I mean, especially in the UK, imagine the ancient fry grease.
[46:08] Absolutely. It was like land ambergris over there.
[46:14] oh well speaking about land ambergris do you know what time it is gotta.
[46:19] Be game time.
[46:32] Welcome back to Game Time. It is the seventh of the season. The scores are Tara with three, Value Guests with three, Sarah still looking to get on the board. Today we're playing The Dating Game from Meredith, who earns herself an extra credit. Topic of her choosing, plus a free shirt from the Extra Hot Great Store at
[46:53] Have you plugged the strong turkey sandwich feelings shirt.
[46:56] Oh, yeah. This is going to mean nothing to you guys, but, you know, if you're a club member and you listened to the Extra Extra Great last week, you would know all about our strong turkey sandwich feelings. And that was a shirt that says that for your enjoyment. So you don't need to know anything about TV to wear that shirt. You just need to know something about turkey and how you like it.
[47:19] Mine's on its way.
[47:20] Yeah. Meredith writes, the option of this game is to guess the identity of a TV character are based on three actors who played their love interests. The catch, I will give you the name of a character each love interest actor played on a different show. So here's an example. Put that into focus. Peter Florek, Raylan Givens, and Chris Stevens. Three characters from three different shows. The actors that played those characters were all love interests to what character? The panel stumped. They don't know.
[47:52] Carrie Bradshaw.
[47:53] No, they don't know. So they would ask for hints and I would say things like Chris Noth from The Good Wife. That was Peter Florek. Raylan Givens, Timothy Oliphant, Justified. Chris Stevens, John Corbett, Northern Exposure. And then somebody might say, oh, I know what it is.
[48:10] It's Carrie Bradshaw.
[48:11] Oh yeah, it's Carrie Bradshaw. Four points if you get it without a hint. You can keep asking for as many hints as you want. Say, I need more information on Raylan Givens. that will give you the actor who played him and the show in which that character existed. And one point less for every clue that you get. You only get one guest, Sarah D. Bunting, so use it wisely.
[48:31] Thank you.
[48:32] Steel meal situation, please, Tara.
[48:34] Oh my, Sarah has three, I have four. Valued guests have Eric's meal, so just the one.
[48:40] Just the one for Andy. If you think you know the answer after the person's been buzzed out, scream steel meal as quick as you can and you'll get a chance to scoop up whatever points are on the table. Let's throw it to Bickey to see our order today. All right, Sarah, Tara, Andy, we got 24 questions. One Grossworth Equalizer Challenge zone for you today.
[49:03] Oh my.
[49:04] Are we ready to play the dating game?
[49:07] Yes.
[49:08] Yes.
[49:08] All right. To Sarah D. Bunting. Reminder, I'm going to give you three character names. Dee Dee Pritchett, Christine Sullivan, and Catherine Janeway. Those are three characters from three different shows. think about the actors in your mind and then those three actors all had a common love interest name that love interest and the show if you know it.
[49:32] Can you read the first again.
[49:35] Please D.D. D.D. D.E.D.E. Pritchett D.D.
[49:40] Pritchett that does not help me may I have a hint please which.
[49:44] One do you want.
[49:44] Can I have D.D. please D.D.
[49:48] Pritchett played by Shelley Long on Modern Family.
[49:53] Hmm okay uh i feel like this character is actually you know what i don't um i don't know so could i have the christine hint please.
[50:08] Christine sullivan was played by marky post on night court shelly long marky post and someone else all love interest to what character on television?
[50:20] I don't know if this is going to be right, but I'm just going to guess that it's Fraser Crane.
[50:26] Good guess.
[50:28] All right. That is incorrect. We had Kate Mulgrew there as Catherine Janeway. All love interests to Sam Malone.
[50:36] Very close. 50-50 shot and a shot wrong.
[50:40] Sherry Reed, Monica Geller, Tanya Skaggle. Skaggle. S-K-A-G-L-E.
[50:51] Okay, who dat? That last one.
[50:53] That is Jane Addams on Hung.
[50:57] Oh boy. Who's the one that's not Monica?
[51:02] Sherry Reed.
[51:03] Yes.
[51:04] With Tracy Pollan on Inventing Anna. So you got Tracy.
[51:08] Yeah.
[51:09] You got somebody who played Monica Geller in Jane Addams.
[51:13] Okay, this is Alex P. Keaton from Family Ties.
[51:17] You are correct. So that is a two-point answer. Andy, here's your first question. We've got Susan Myers, Skylar White, and Rayanne Graff.
[51:31] So I'm 0 for 3 there, so give me one of them.
[51:34] Oh, wow.
[51:34] All right. Anyone? Start you off with Susan? That is Terry Hatcher, Desperate Housewives.
[51:41] Wow. He said it right.
[51:44] Thank you.
[51:45] Good job, Dave.
[51:46] Thanks.
[51:46] I'll take the next hint, and we'll just go in order.
[51:49] Skylar White? Skylar White is Anna Gunn from Breaking Bad.
[51:55] Yeah, I'll take the third hand, too.
[51:57] Sarah, do you want to let me know who the third one is?
[51:59] That's A.J. Langer, formerly the Countess. I believe they're now estranged from my so-called life.
[52:04] All right, so you got Terry, Hatcher, Hannah Gunn, A.J. Langer.
[52:09] Pulling a big, these three, yeah. I do not know.
[52:15] One point on the board if anybody wants to steal it. Nope. Anybody know it?
[52:20] Yeah, they're all Jerry Girlfriends from Seinfeld.
[52:22] Jerry Girlfriends from Seinfeld, yes. Back to Sarah.
[52:26] Okay.
[52:27] Valerie Tyler, Harper Tracy, Anya Jenkins.
[52:36] Harper Tracy and Anya Jenkins? Harper Tracy, Harper Tracy. Okay. Who was the first one that you said?
[52:48] Valerie Tyler, played by Jenny Garth on What I Like About You.
[52:54] Brandon Walsh.
[52:55] Yes. Three point answer. That was Christine Elise from ER and Emma Caulfield from Buckeyes.
[53:02] Great.
[53:03] Back to Tara. Samantha Maselli. Caitlin Moore. Georgia Thomas.
[53:11] These are all Billy Campbell love interests from Melrose Place.
[53:15] You are correct. That is our first four point answer. Nicely done.
[53:18] Oof.
[53:19] Should I say who they all are?
[53:20] Oh, yeah. Sure.
[53:21] It's Alyssa Milano from Who's the Boss. I forget who the middle one is.
[53:25] That is Heather Locklear from Spin City.
[53:27] There you go. And Georgia is from Courtney Thorne Smith on Ally McBeal.
[53:32] You are correct. Thank you. Back to Andy. You've got Alex Levy, Hedy Newman, Alexis Mead.
[53:43] I mean, I think I, yeah, I wish I could name the shows these people are on and then that would help me. But yeah, give me the first actor.
[53:51] Okay. Alex Levy is Jennifer Aniston on The Morning Show.
[53:55] I'm just going to say, Andy, don't overthink it.
[53:59] All right. Additional information from Taray Ariana.
[54:02] I'm going to go with somebody from Friends just to try to shoot for a three-pointer here.
[54:06] All right. So remember, you're looking for the love interest. They all had in common.
[54:10] So it's got two or three guys here to choose from. I'm going to go with Ross from Friends.
[54:17] There you go.
[54:18] Yeah, you are.
[54:18] Three points. Back to Sarah. We've got Tessa Omand, Omond, Olivia Benson, River Song. Tessa Oman, O-M-A-N-D.
[54:35] Can you tell me who that is, please?
[54:37] Christine Harnos from Star Trek Voyager.
[54:41] Oh, this is Mark Green from ER.
[54:44] You are correct. Three points. We also had Hargitay from SVU and Alex Kingston from Doctor Who there. Mark Green, ER, is correct.
[54:54] Yep.
[54:54] Celie Booth.
[54:56] Mm-hmm.
[54:57] Matthew Donnelly.
[54:58] Sure.
[54:58] Victor Stein.
[55:02] I'm just going to count on the fact that David Boreanaz hasn't dated any other ladies that I would possibly know and say this is Buffy Summers. Fuck!
[55:15] No, it is.
[55:16] I was going to make up a steal team joke.
[55:18] Okay, well, give people a chance to steal.
[55:21] No, you got it right.
[55:22] Oh, okay.
[55:23] It's making a joke.
[55:24] Okay.
[55:25] Okay, darn. Four point answer. Back to Andy, Derek Hofstetler, Jane Villahueva, Greta Strobe.
[55:36] Once again, I think I know the shows these characters are on, but that's not helping me. So let's start with Derek.
[55:42] All right. We got Jason Manzoukas from The Good Place.
[55:46] That's what I thought. And I don't know who would have dated him. But since they're fictional characters, I guess. Let's go to the next one.
[55:56] Jane, Gina Rodriguez, Jane the Virgin.
[56:00] Also knew that one, and yeah, give me the third character. Maybe it'll lock it in here.
[56:06] Cameron Esposito, A Million Little Things. So all those actors had a love interest on another show all in common. What was that character?
[56:18] I'm just going to go with Frasier just for kicks.
[56:22] That's not correct. We're looking for Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
[56:27] Oh.
[56:29] Back to Sarah. You've got Woody Boyd, Ron Swanson, David Hayden.
[56:41] Woody Boyd. Ron Swanson, can you tell me who David Hayden is, please?
[56:46] David Hayden is Harry Connick Jr. from Law & Order SVU. Which he played a killer crooner. Hey, baby, what a killer right now, gonna kill you today.
[57:01] He was a lawyer.
[57:02] Stab, stab, stab, stab.
[57:03] Stab. I don't play the DA.
[57:04] Skib-a-da-ba-ba-ba-do, stab.
[57:06] Skib-a-da-ba-da-ba-da-do. Uh. Can I have the first one, please?
[57:13] Woody Boyd?
[57:15] Oh, no, sorry. The middle one?
[57:17] Ron Swanson?
[57:18] Yeah.
[57:19] Ron Swanson is played by Nick Hofferman, Parks and Rec.
[57:22] Okay. I don't know which. I don't know how you're tagging it. Yeah, I don't know. Benson.
[57:32] You were never going to get this one.
[57:33] This is Grace Adler, Will and Grace.
[57:36] Oh, yeah. No, I was never going to get that one.
[57:38] Tara?
[57:39] Yeah.
[57:40] Jackie Payton.
[57:41] Yep.
[57:42] Carol Hathaway.
[57:44] Yep.
[57:44] Maggie Detweiler.
[57:46] Who's that?
[57:47] Maggie Detweiler is Annabella Sciorra, Law and Order, Trial by Jury.
[57:52] Okay.
[57:52] Deep cut.
[57:53] Okay. So it's her. It's Julianna Margulies. And the first one.
[58:00] Give me that one. Jackie Payton.
[58:03] Who's that?
[58:04] Oh, who is that? That is Edie Falco Nurse Jackie.
[58:07] God damn it. It's Tony Soprano.
[58:11] Tony Soprano. Two points.
[58:13] I forgot about Margulies having been on that show.
[58:15] Mm-hmm. Oof.
[58:16] Andy, you've got Avis DeVoto, Debra Vance, and Abigail Adams. And Andy, for the love of God, if you're just going to throw in a garbage joke answer, Do it.
[58:35] So I think I was honestly I know that the third I'm going to go with Frazier again.
[58:43] Yay, there we go.
[58:45] Avis DeVoto. That is Vivi Neuwirth from Julia.
[58:49] Debra Vance.
[58:50] Gene Smart from Hacks. Abigail Adams. Laura Linney from John Adams. Sarah D. Budding. Shea Diaz. Audrey Rains Alex Danvers.
[59:05] Jay Diaz Audrey Rains Alex Danvers Audrey Rains Tell me Audrey Rains.
[59:15] Please Audrey Rains is played by Kim Raver on 24 Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop Who?
[59:31] What? Tell me Audrey Danvers, please.
[59:37] Alex Danvers?
[59:38] Yes, Alex Danvers. Sorry.
[59:40] Kyler Lee Supergirl.
[59:42] I think it's somebody on Grey's Anatomy, but there's a gazillion characters and I don't know the answer. So, Frasier?
[59:49] Well, if you know from Grey's Anatomy, throw it, give me a Grey's Anatomy character. His first name's fine. Or last name's fine.
[59:57] Mrs. Grey. Just kidding. Meredith?
[1:00:00] She'd be much cooler if she had dated those people.
[1:00:04] Yeah, true.
[1:00:05] The answer we're looking for was Mark Sloan and she was Sarah Ramirez from And Just Like That.
[1:00:13] Yeah.
[1:00:15] Old McSteamy.
[1:00:17] Ben Parr, Kate Kane, Donna Pinciotti.
[1:00:24] Okay.
[1:00:25] Donna Pinciotti.
[1:00:27] This is smooth. I'm going to go for it again and say this is... Oh my God, what is her name? From Orange is the New Black, the main lady. How could I forget her name? Probably because she was so boring. Oh no. Boring blonde from who went on to be in that King and Ryan movie. I don't remember her name.
[1:00:52] Oh dear.
[1:00:53] I don't. Someone steal it.
[1:00:55] All right, there's a four point steal here. Four point steal is the maximum you're ever going to get. So if you have an idea, now's the time to break out that steal meal.
[1:01:03] I'll try it. Why not?
[1:01:04] All right. Steal milk from Sarah.
[1:01:05] Piper?
[1:01:06] Piper is correct.
[1:01:08] Yes. We'll do it.
[1:01:10] Piper, last name?
[1:01:11] Who? Chapman.
[1:01:13] Chapman.
[1:01:14] Chapman, like the budget ice cream from Ontario, Canada. Good job, Sarah. So that was Ben Parr, Jason Biggs, Mad Love.
[1:01:20] Yeah.
[1:01:21] Kate Kane, Ruby Rose, Batwoman. Donna was Laura, Gray Poupon from that station.
[1:01:28] Yes.
[1:01:28] Pardon me.
[1:01:29] All right. Here's our last question for our score break. We are well over halfway done. It is for Andy. We've got Beattie Russell, Jacqueline Carlyle, Beverly Goldberg.
[1:01:42] Let's start with the first one. I know Beverly Goldberg, so the first one, please.
[1:01:47] Beattie Russell, played by Amy Ryan on The Wire.
[1:01:53] Let's go with Michael Scott on The Office.
[1:01:55] You are correct. Three points. Nicely done. All right. That was, we got about another third of the game to go. So let's get the scores before we go into our equalizer zone.
[1:02:05] They're very close. I have 12 points. Sarah and Andy are tied with 10 each.
[1:02:09] Oh, we know what that means. Share equalizer zone. Andy, give me a number between one and eight.
[1:02:22] Seven.
[1:02:23] Seven.
[1:02:26] And don't follow.
[1:02:28] It just scares me.
[1:02:29] No, sorry. I was reaching over to all the boxes behind me. I have eight boxes of trivia. And I pulled an audible, decided not to give you the original Star Trek questions. All right. So we're set. We're going to give you Trivial Pursuit, totally 80s questions. All right. So these are TV questions from 80s Trivial Pursuit. Confer, answer together, and you will share, let's say...
[1:02:55] Don't give half points. I'll say that.
[1:02:57] Don't tell me my business okay.
[1:02:59] Oh dara now you stuck us with happers sorry.
[1:03:03] Six or 12 a lot of points on the board you're gonna split those points okay here we go who was paired with roger mudd when he first became a nightly news co-anchor in 1982.
[1:03:17] I have never heard of Roger Mudd.
[1:03:19] Roger Mudd with two Ds.
[1:03:20] Sounds like an SNL's character, so I do not know.
[1:03:25] I've paired with Roger Mudd. I think that this is Brokaw.
[1:03:31] I'm good with that.
[1:03:32] Correct.
[1:03:33] Nice!
[1:03:34] Nice.
[1:03:36] What? Anchorman, I don't know why you're getting all the Anchorman questions, adopted the sign-off. That's part of our world tonight.
[1:03:43] Was that...
[1:03:45] I think this is Jennings. but if you disagree.
[1:03:49] No I was like thinking it was Dan Rather for a second but I think you're right it is I think it is Peter Jennings Jennings?
[1:03:55] Yep Dan Rather Oh sorry buddy Pre-courage Oh yeah fuck, What Dallas character wasn't written off the show until 18 months after the actor playing him died So the character Dallas character I'll give you this much of a hint. Last name is Ewing.
[1:04:20] Yeah, I think that this is Jock Ewing?
[1:04:25] Yes!
[1:04:26] Shit! Now you only need to get one more.
[1:04:28] One more.
[1:04:29] Excellent.
[1:04:30] Three questions, one more answer.
[1:04:31] Good to be old.
[1:04:33] What cop show enlisted Frank Zappa to play a drug lord named Mario Fuente? What show This has got to be Miami Vice.
[1:04:43] Right?
[1:04:43] It's got to be Miami Vice.
[1:04:44] Yes, guys.
[1:04:45] Absolutely.
[1:04:46] All right.
[1:04:47] So you're splitting six points. So three points each there. Three points each.
[1:04:51] Woo!
[1:04:51] Lovely.
[1:04:52] All right. So let's update the scores.
[1:04:54] What if it was Cagney and Lazy? So now our scores are I have 12 and our equalizer zonesters are tied with 13.
[1:05:04] All right. Very close.
[1:05:06] Zonesters. How dare you?
[1:05:07] You've got three questions each left.
[1:05:10] Okay.
[1:05:11] To Sarah. Dex Perios Amanda Tenen Michaela Quinn.
[1:05:22] Um who is uh michaela quinn.
[1:05:26] That is jane seymour from the television show dr quinn medicine woman oh.
[1:05:34] I didn't realize that i thought her first name was just doctor never watched it uh who is dex.
[1:05:41] Colby smulders stump town.
[1:05:46] Uh well no it's not helping could i have the last one please last character.
[1:05:51] Amanda tennon becky newton ugly betty so you got colby smulders stumptown becky newton ugly betty jane seymour dr quid medicine woman were all love interests to what character on television uh, uh once uh.
[1:06:16] Uh don draper uh.
[1:06:21] Uh didn't work correct we're looking for barney from how i met your mother oh yeah all right this is question 17 it's pretty it is for tara you've got ted lasso mm-hmm don draper Yep. Tyrion Lannister.
[1:06:43] Liz Lemon.
[1:06:44] Liz Lemon, 30 Rock is correct. Four point answer to Andy. You've got CZ Guest, CZ Guest, Snow White, and Jackie Onassis.
[1:06:59] It's quite a collection. Tell me who CZ White is.
[1:07:03] CZ Guest.
[1:07:05] CZ Guest, sorry. Snow White, I know who that is.
[1:07:07] Chloe Sevigny, Feud, Capote versus the Swans.
[1:07:12] So I'm going to guess this is Bill Paxton's character in Big Love, but I'm blanking on his name. If it's like Big Bill or something. I'll give it that.
[1:07:20] That's fine. Yeah, Bill, Big Bill, Bill Hendrickson. Close enough for us here. That is three-point answer. This is question. It is for Sarah D. Bunting. We've got Joe Goldberg, Greg Harris, Mad Hatter.
[1:07:42] Who's Mad Hatter?
[1:07:44] Sebastian Stan from Once Upon a Time.
[1:07:47] He was in Once Upon a Time? Oh, my God.
[1:07:50] He was the Mad Hatter.
[1:07:52] How embarrassing.
[1:07:53] Change places, and he would point with his middle arm.
[1:07:56] Was it, I mean, I got to swing big here. Was it, I don't remember the character's last name. Was it CJ from BayWa? Oh, what am I doing? No, never mind. You're correct.
[1:08:08] We've had... Anybody want to steal this? We've got... Oh, I just got it. What is it?
[1:08:14] I just got it. It's Serena Vanderwoodson from Gossip Girl.
[1:08:17] Yes, we've got Penn Badgley from you. That was Joel Goldberg. Greg Harris, Sam Page, Mad Men. And we already had Mad Hatter. Tatara. Melissa Chartrez.
[1:08:31] Sure.
[1:08:32] Lindsay Weir, Alice Cooper.
[1:08:39] Alice Cooper?
[1:08:41] Alice Cooper.
[1:08:42] Yeah. Can you tell me more?
[1:08:44] Oh, you want that. Okay. Alice Cooper was played by Madgen Emick.
[1:08:50] Uh-huh.
[1:08:51] Riverdale.
[1:08:52] Okay. So it's her and Linda Cardellini. Who's the last one that's not Lindsay Weir?
[1:08:59] Melissa Chartres.
[1:09:00] Yeah.
[1:09:01] January Jones, Last Man on Earth.
[1:09:04] Is this Don Draper?
[1:09:05] This is Don Draper, yes. Good for two points.
[1:09:08] Oh, I forgot the Cardellini era.
[1:09:11] Andy, you've got Lucille Bluth, Darlene Conner, and Harley Quinn. Actors who portrayed those three characters all had a love interest on a different show. Name that interest.
[1:09:26] I'm just going to shoot for this and guess Archer from Archer.
[1:09:31] Correct. That was Jessica Walter on Arres of Development. Darlene Connor, Sarah Gilbert, Roseanne, Harley Quinn, Kaylee Kukuko. Harley Quinn, that was Leonard from The Big Bang Theory. Last question coming at you. Let's get the scores, please.
[1:09:47] Okay. Sarah has 13. Andy has 16. I have 18.
[1:09:55] All right. Sarah, you're first. Are you ready?
[1:09:59] Yes.
[1:10:01] Negan Smith. Mike Logan. Dan Ryder.
[1:10:09] Alicia Florek.
[1:10:11] You just got yourself four points. Nicely done. Tara.
[1:10:15] Yes.
[1:10:16] Brian Brenner. Kevin Garvey. Henry Pollard.
[1:10:25] Okay. Okay, um, who's Kevin Garvey? No, wait, don't tell me that. I know it just got it. I just got it. It's Justin Theroux. Justin Theroux, Adam Scott, and okay, who's the first one?
[1:10:38] Brian Brenner.
[1:10:39] Yeah.
[1:10:40] Played by Paul Snyder, The Newsroom.
[1:10:43] Paul Snyder. Okay, this is, um, this is Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation.
[1:10:47] You are correct, yes. Justin Theroux from The Leftovers, Adam Scott, Party Down. Three points for Tara there. All right, let's wrap it up with Andy. We've got Barry Berkman, Jonah Sims, Chris Sanchez.
[1:11:04] Trying to do some quick math to see if I can afford a hint. I think I can.
[1:11:08] Can he afford a hint, Tara? What's the difference here?
[1:11:11] He can tie me if he gets a four-point answer.
[1:11:14] Tie you? You need to get a four-point answer.
[1:11:16] Wait, no. He's already behind. Sorry. He has 16 points.
[1:11:20] It's hopeless, Andy, is what the score up is. It's hopeless. It's hopeless.
[1:11:23] I'm just going to...
[1:11:24] Go in a blaze of glory. Dorothy's Mornack, Anybody know this one? Alright, Barry Berkman, Bill Hader, Barry Jonah Sims, Ben Feldman Superstore, Chris Sanchez Chris Messina, Damages all played love interest to Mindy Lahiri on the Mindy Project The Mindy Project you say No! it cleared the room it cleared zoom everybody left for a little while, just be glad it wasn't the mindy ask ea's g mashup it could have been worse every time you hear the mindy project theme just remember that it can get worse that is regulation scores please turn thank.
[1:12:13] You dave handy finish with 16 sarah 17 me 21.
[1:12:17] Oh all right well fought everybody congrats.
[1:12:28] No tiebreaker?
[1:12:30] I do, but we're running long.
[1:12:32] Fuck you guys. All right, fair.
[1:12:35] What if I just told the answer of the tiebreaker? That was fun. Well, that is it for another episode of Extra Hot Great. We discuss why the Amazon Ecom blowjob shark tank alike by it now wasn't getting in our carts before going around the dial with stops at Somebody Somewhere, The Summit, Four in a Bed, and Raiders of the Lost Art. 15 minutes into Andy's canon presentation for Dating Around and ring, ring, ring. Oh no, our friend has an accident and is at the ER. We gotta go. We crowned winners and losers of the week. And Tara was the winner of this week's Game Time from Meredith. Next up is Hallmark Plus's Finding Mr. Christmas on Friday's Extra, Extra Hot. Great. And don't forget our bonus episode, Historical TV episode with Dan Casino hits Tuesday. Remember. We're listening. I am David Teagle, and on behalf of Tara...
[1:13:36] Hopefully we can do this again soon.
[1:13:38] Sir.
[1:13:40] Oh, you play the guitar.
[1:13:41] And Andy.
[1:13:43] You want to go to space?
[1:13:44] Thanks for listening. I'll see you next time, right here on Extra Hot Great.
[1:14:01] Thank you. You guys need a residency in Vegas for that.
[1:14:07] All right.
[1:14:09] We did it.
[1:14:11] What was it? I shut down the, I was taking up the room and I shut it down as soon as the game ended. So I wasn't in position even. Troy Barnes, Kevin Hamlin, Art the Artist.
[1:14:23] Okay well Troy Barnes is Donald Glover.
[1:14:25] From Community And.
[1:14:27] I don't know who the other two are.
[1:14:28] Kev Hamlin is Andrew Reynolds From Girls 5Eva and Art the Artist is Adam Driver from Bob's Burgers Oh, Hannah Hannah Horvath Yes And there's your tiebreaker. That's outta hold the little SOBs.