Author, filmmaker, and Listen To Sassy co-host Pam Ribon is back to help us figure out what Hysteria! is trying to do: satirize the satanic panic and witch hunts of a bygone era? invoke Stranger Things and the Church Lady? We’re not even sure what genre we should call it, never mind whether you should watch it, but maybe our discussion will help you decide. We went Around The Dial with What We Do In The Shadows, The Change, and Woman Of The Hour before trying to sneak an undercover 21 Jump Street episode into the Ca– er, the Pamon. Slow Horses won, car chases lost, and we got bogged down in minutiae with rightwood’s IMDb-forward Game Time. Take a break from that pentagram copy-edit and check it out!

ehg 533
Published on
Oct 23, 2024 Should You Give In To Hysteria!?
Pamela Ribon joins us to talk about the satanic-panic period piece, plus a Jump Street Canon twist.
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[0:19] This is the Extra Hot Great Podcast, episode 533 for the week of October 21st, 2024. I am my grandmother, David T. Cole, and I'm here with rock peasant Sarah D. Bunting.
[0:37] More like Exit Sandman.
[0:40] Pure evil witness Tara Arellano.
[0:42] Oh yeah, there it is.
[0:43] And dabbler in the Smurf dark arts, Pamela Ribbon.
[0:47] Smurfette's made with a lump of clay, half a pack of lies, and a serpent's tongue. Google it.
[0:55] Welcome to Extra Hot Great for another week. Joining us, she is a writer. She is the co-host of our sister podcast, Listen to Sassy. You've heard her with us here before. It's Pamela Ribbon. Pam!
[1:10] Pam Lee!
[1:12] Thanks, everybody.
[1:13] We are here to talk about hysteria in which the year is 1989 when high school football star Ryan Hudson, Brandon Butler, goes missing and a pentagram is painted on his parents' garage door. Dylan Campbell, MJ Anthony, gets an idea riding the wave of Happy Hollow, Michigan's satanic panic could drive interest in his metal band Death Crunch. And it definitely intrigues Dylan's crush, Judith, Jessica Treska. But what seems like harmless fun with black nail polish and a pet collar quickly escalates as the town's paranoia focuses on Dylan as a suspect in Ryan's disappearance. Matthew Scott Cain, formerly of the ABC family show Stitchers, created hysteria. All eight episodes dropped last Friday on Peacock. We will be careful about spoilers past the pilot. Let's do the Chen check-in. Pam, should our listeners watch hysteria?
[2:07] Oh, yeah.
[2:10] Perfect answer, Sarah.
[2:12] I'm not mad if you do, but no.
[2:15] Dave?
[2:16] I'm going to give this one a pass. Just like I give Satan a pass.
[2:20] Oh. I mean, I know that's not true, but I'm going to probably keep watching, but that doesn't necessarily mean anyone else should. Let's get into it. Pam, I'm going to start with a question. Our Listen to Sassy Crossover fans will also want to know, how big a crush would 1989 Pam have had on Dylan?
[2:39] Um, I, this tone makes it hard.
[2:43] Mm-hmm. Go on.
[2:44] Hard or, or, but not impossible, right? I mean, let's just put that. Yeah. Okay, good.
[2:49] Not impossible. There's not a lot of depth in it yet. Right. So there's, there's nothing in there for me to latch on to.
[2:55] Did you say depth or depth?
[2:56] That's right.
[2:57] Okay.
[2:57] You heard correctly. Two Ps. Not enough there, right?
[3:01] Mm-hmm.
[3:01] This tone is tough because it's like Yellow Jackets meets Wonder Years meets Guitar Hero. And so the Wonder Years part of it is not catching me. Yeah, he's just too clean.
[3:16] Oh, okay.
[3:17] Got to roll in the mud for a while to get Pam going.
[3:20] Okay, but wait, then I have to ask, would you be more interested after he carved a pentagram in his hand?
[3:26] It did get more intriguing.
[3:29] Fucking knew it. i mean sarah same question although i feel like i know the answer.
[3:36] I mean the less deppy the better by which i mean i'm trying to clear that lane for pam right, also what's not my thing i was an aoki guy we'll get into it later in the episode this was like it had a bunch of ingredients that i was like this should be a tasty dish that i want to eat more of on paper but the tone just kept like flipping between scenes and certain scenes seemed like the actors were not aware that there were other parts of the story that were happening in the same town which is a script problem or a directing problem like it was not coherent by which i don't mean incoherent it just was like all over the place and even though it was a fake out like don't roll an orange cat and a pocket knife onto your set and expect me to hang because you can't do it but yeah there were also some like anachronistic things in the dialogue that if it had been a little more tonally consistent and knew kind of what it wanted to do instead of being the mashup Pam mentioned, that wouldn't have bothered me but it wasn't so it did more.
[4:54] Like lamer things.
[4:55] Not quite there.
[4:56] Yeah.
[4:57] Yeah. Very good, dude.
[4:59] There's, there's a- Self high five was that clap you heard everything. Yeah.
[5:02] Yeah.
[5:02] There's a scene where right after Dylan has given himself like the, the more metal makeover and he's like, God, the stupid, I don't, that might be a cat collar that he's wearing.
[5:12] It's definitely an animal.
[5:13] Yeah. So he, his friends in the band come to pick him up and they're like, get a look at him. And then we smash cut to them in the car and they're both like laughing so hard what he's trying to do and it's like that's the show i want to watch like that's but that's not kind of the show that it is.
[5:30] It spoke to something about that era that was true like that was the their makeup was as we see in the first episode was like kiss right and i just would like to see a heavy metal band that sort of embraces the wwf of it all yes where you have he's the businessman right you're like oh the businessman and he's up there with the band that's dressed like kiss but he's got like a three-piece suit on because he's like the businessman sure i kind of wanted that stupidness out of this show because like on paper i think sarah was sort of saying the same thing on paper i felt like i was gonna like it yeah but then when you get there it's like the least of everything everybody's been listed like the most boring parts of all the math equation shows that we've talking about so far in it. I would throw Stranger Things in there as well because it's an 80s throwback. For all the reasons I didn't like Stranger Things, nailing the Spielbergian 80s of it all was not a fault among them. And this show doesn't really even get that right in a lot of spots.
[6:34] Like what they're trying to pull off, if this is it, like this is the benefit of the doubt I gave. The kids are just like in a high school coming of age show and the adults are actually in an 80s horror movie of their own imagination because of satanic panic and their foot. Also, there is someone killing people. That's so fun. but because the shift was so great that it's like these guys are in a locker by the lockers having a very awkward fake conversation about going to a cool party or whatever that i don't believe them for a while so i can't believe what's happening in the basement at all is is she dead like yeah i mean like they destroyed her.
[7:13] Well and i i think they're also trying to i mean satirizing satanic panic is not what they're maybe trying to do but i think they are gesturing at the idea that this is one of those things where a parody of satanic panic looks just like satanic panic did because it was so like absurd yeah floridly fucking corny and it remains that way that it's it's difficult to do that but then they're also kind of gesturing at the fact that like this was really serious, and this and many other witch hunts of, you know, varying flavors, including the originals, destroyed hundreds of lives. And again, continued to do that through the 20th century and more recently, I guess. But like, I don't think this is a show that has the guns for that kind of storytelling. Like, you've got to keep it on the funny side of the premise and like, okay, mention tip or gore and then move on to another like just keep it to jokes but yeah i don't know.
[8:21] You're writing it in 2024 so yeah you know brace the benefit of hindsight like we lived through it we lived through the fucking heraldo special reports on it and as i was saying up the top my grandmother uh forbidding me to go to my sister's house because she was playing dungeons and dragons with her friends that night oh yeah and that was the gateway you know that was like A big one. That was a big no-no.
[8:43] Okay, yeah, but that one is true.
[8:45] That dozen dragons will lead you to worshiping Satan.
[8:48] Yeah. No.
[8:49] Worshipping Satan and spending a lot of money on accessories.
[8:52] Which is maybe the same thing.
[8:54] But the first episode does so much table setting that isn't supernatural. And then at the last three minutes of it, they're like, OK, here comes the supernatural of it all, which I was wondering if that was even going to happen at that point, which was like, oh, you waited too long. You thought you were doing something with a better lead up than you performed. And I was like, I was ready to bail on it. And then at the end of the first episode, some supernatural entities are throwing Julie Bowen around like a ragdoll.
[9:22] Yeah.
[9:22] And that's when I knew Tara was in.
[9:24] Yeah. Yeah.
[9:25] Except they didn't finish the job.
[9:27] That's true.
[9:27] So I don't know. Maybe that's when Tara was out. She's like, oh, it's alive. Fuck this.
[9:32] But if they called the show Chuck and Julie Bowen around, I mean, I think it might have done better.
[9:38] Okay. But that leads to my next question for Pam. Like her character, Linda, Pam, you're also a mother who's supportive of your child's artistic pursuits. Are you concerned now that this is going to happen to you if you're continuing to be supportive of your child?
[9:56] I'll get thrown around by the great overlord of TikTok one day. It's going to happen.
[10:04] We can only aspire.
[10:07] I do think that Anna Camp is having a great time. And that felt like, I was like, this is the role that I would have been like, okay, I'm doing this. That seems like a lot of fun, this part.
[10:18] How does she play?
[10:19] She's the other mom. She's the one whose voice we heard in the beginning.
[10:22] Who's clearly the reason, I mean, I haven't seen past episode one, but they were going to watch that she's done this to the town to teach them a lesson about the Satan, right?
[10:32] I did watch ahead, and that is not where I think it's going with her character. I'll just say that. But I do think her character is going somewhere interesting. Stink.
[10:40] When she welcomed home her baby girl at the end, I just assumed that meant she's the reason that all of this is happening. But you're saying no.
[10:48] Oh, well, in a sense. Yes. Okay. That's all I'll say.
[10:53] That's all we'll say.
[10:54] The show has other disturbing elements as well. Sarah, talk about the chill you got when you heard that Linda's dress from Montgomery Ward was going to take five weeks to be delivered. Five Earth weeks.
[11:07] Down from six weeks.
[11:08] I know.
[11:09] Oh my god, this is how we lived. These like, the rituals of like, here is the Land's End catalog. Here is the Land's End catalog with each member of the family's specific individual dog ear. Here is the sending of the check to the Land's End headquarters. And then the waiting begins. And then it shows up and you forgot what you ordered and hate it. But yeah, that was like, you can't get it here tomorrow? Why? And also Montgomery Ward, my God. I always forget that that's not like just a random reference, like rotary phones. Like it really was a thing.
[11:49] Speaking of real, I also have, I'm going to go back to Pam. Did the specific mentions of the satanic messaging in the Smurfs and Thundercats. Remind you of particularly outlandish fear-mongering in your youth, because I know you were living in the Bible Belt at this time.
[12:04] I mean, the Smurfs are pagans. She's just right about the Smurfs.
[12:09] Yeah.
[12:12] I did not have to get into the Thundercats of it all. Nor did anyβI wasn't anywhere near Dungeons & Dragons, so the stuff didn't happen. It was all music. It was all Guns N' Roses and Ozzy Osbourne and Prince. Geraldo did make my momβwell, sure. He made my mom take my Prince tape. She took it because she heard from Geraldo it was really bad for you.
[12:33] Did you ever get it back?
[12:36] I don't remember. I'm sure I went and got it back because she forgot.
[12:39] Good for you.
[12:39] That makes sense.
[12:39] It's at the bottom of a baptismal font in Katy, Texas.
[12:44] It's my fault for asking a follow-up question when she said, have you listened to this album? And she didn't know any of these songs at all. It's not like Geraldo played them. so then she was like what's going on with this album and i said i i said well the it's really only the second side that has songs that are a little more controversial so can i listen to the first side still it has like let's go crazy on it and stuff and she was like what's on the second side and i was like well there's a song what does masturbation mean oh she took the tape.
[13:15] Yeah i mean you're right.
[13:17] Did you ever find out.
[13:18] Rookie mistake why do you think i've done all these podcasts it's gonna come up at some point.
[13:22] Oh what are you learning it's gonna blow your mind fam now you know speaking of font you can't use the i'm john carpenter movie fonts when you're doing something like this because you are comparing yourself therefore to john carpenter and no, thank you definitely not so get that font out of here i know what they were doing this is basically like peacock give me stranger things please and they're like how about this and they're like what does stranger stranger things took the stephen king font they did their thing with it what do We got John Carpenter font. No, you can't do it. You can't do it.
[13:59] Pam we invited you to come on today We haven't even talked about him yet You said you love Bruce Campbell He plays the local police chief in this show Bruce Campbell Is this the kind of thing you want to see him doing now?
[14:12] It just feels like he's got to sign autographs While we're watching the pilot, That's what he's here for It's the Comic Con, What is it that Stan Lee says? Excelsior? Yeah Of the show. And it's like an approval moment.
[14:31] Yeah.
[14:32] He is the Patton Doss wall of throwback horror movies.
[14:35] He is.
[14:36] What do you got? I'm here. I'll do it.
[14:38] He is.
[14:39] But then when he was like, oh, my granddaughter, Judith, and she's the crush, I was like, grandchild? No. But he is old. We are all old.
[14:48] Unfortunately.
[14:50] Anyone else that stood out in the cast? We've already touched on Anna Camp and my enemy, Julie Bowen. Yes, Dave.
[14:55] Speaking of the granddaughter, she's got really great. I'm fucking crazy eyes.
[14:59] She does. She's really good.
[15:00] There's a scene, the scene that Sarah was talking about with the cat.
[15:03] Yeah.
[15:03] There is a moment where she is egging him on to kill the cat and she's got the fucking craziest face.
[15:10] Yeah.
[15:10] She really sold that. She is very much into all of this.
[15:14] Yep.
[15:14] And her eye makeup is a hundred percent on point.
[15:18] Yep.
[15:19] I will say parts of this eighties. They're not just gesturing at like a, The main Death Crunch kids could be in any time, kind of.
[15:28] Yeah.
[15:29] And, okay, well, here's my final question for the group.
[15:33] Yeah.
[15:33] If Death Crunch is a cereal, of what does it consist?
[15:37] I was just thinking, my last question is going to be, what's a better name, Magic Spoon or Death Crunch?
[15:45] What's in Death Crunch?
[15:47] Well, it's like Lucky Charms, except it's like unlucky stuff. Skulls.
[15:53] Yes.
[15:53] Little sixes.
[15:54] Yes.
[15:55] Three of them glued together.
[15:56] Severed penises.
[15:58] Yeah. I think in my death crunch, there's teeth. Baby teeth.
[16:02] Oh, baby teeth.
[16:03] Yes.
[16:03] That's in death crunch.
[16:05] Yeah. That's what makes it so crunchy.
[16:07] Teratomai.
[16:08] It's full day's pipe calcium in your death crunch.
[16:10] That's right. It's regular cereal, except there's a giant teratoma in it with like an eyeball. That's like, everybody hopes they get the teratoma.
[16:19] Ooh, a knuckle.
[16:30] All right, it is time for Round the Dial. Our first stop, as always, is Tara. Tara, what have you been watching on TV recently?
[16:36] Well, speaking of goth style, What We Do in the Shadows is back for its sixth and final season. In the past, finales have set up the arc for the season that would follow, like Guillermo finding out he's a Van Helsing descendant, Colin Robinson dying and being reborn, Guillermo secretly getting his friend Derek to turn him into a vampire, as one does. In the season five finale, everything just kind of got fixed. Nandor forgave Guillermo for going behind his back to Derek. He reversed Guillermo's vampirism, which Guillermo realized he wanted. The reverser required Nandor to kill Derek, but even that got sort of fixed when Guillermo and Laszlo brought Derek to the Necromancer to be revived as a zombie and hang out with Topher and the other zombie bros. So without the usual cliffhanger pointing toward a season arc, the first three episodes of season six are kind of disconnected. The premiere introduces Jerry the Vampire, who's played by Mike O'Brien, the creator of AP Bio. The vampires remember he used to be their fifth roommate before Guillermo came along, which reminds them they were supposed to wake him up on New Year's Eve 1996. So when he gets up, he's pissed about the years he missed. and also that they have not done anything about their supposed project of conquering the new world which fair, we haven't heard much about that since season one either.
[17:48] Guillermo's trying to have a little independence by moving into the garden shed and getting a job at Panera, although he quickly changes careers and enters the world of finance. That is the second and I would say the best of the first three episodes. Nadia and Nandor infiltrate the office to try to help Guillermo climb the ladder, and Nadia's impression of Melanie Griffith in Working Girl pre-makeover is very funny. The posters for the season are all themed to the hobby that Laszlo rediscovers in the premiere, which is trying to create life from dead tissue. And then when everyone says, like Frankenstein, pretending he doesn't know what that is. Having this also become an interest of Colin Robinson's, not only because he and Laszlo have a different bond since Colin Robinson's recent re-childhood, but also because he likes the idea of creating a new person who will want to be his friend, is about as close to a sweet and tender story as this show gets. It is sad the show's ending because overall it's been one of the funniest shows on TV. Even an episode that is a B minus four, What We Do in the Shadows, has at least 10 extremely solid jokes. And the only reason you have to mark it down is because it's set such a high bar of quality for itself in general. And I'm sure all these great writers and actors have different goofy shit they want to do and I'll be happy to follow them wherever and whatever that is. I don't know any spoilers for the season at all. They're running out of time to write a funny one-off role for Jamie Dimitrio from Stab Let's Flats.
[19:07] It's impossible to say that. They're running out of time to write a funny one-off role for Jamie Dimitrio, who is from Stab Let's Flats. He is also the brother to Natasha Dimitrio, who plays Nadia. I'll be extremely disappointed if we don't see him at all in season six. Good Show is still good. Now it is on FX Monday nights and wherever you dirty fucking cord cutters find it on the internet after that, it's none of my business.
[19:30] Wow.
[19:31] I refute it for crack. You can find that link in the show notes. us.
[19:37] All right, Pam. What do you got?
[19:39] It's how I feel, and I've been on the record with that.
[19:41] Sure.
[19:42] Sure.
[19:43] You want to see something actually scary? It's menopause. I'm here to recommend a show that you have to go to BritBox for. It's called The Change. Season one is there from last year, and they're making season two right now, so this is a great time to watch this. The show is created by Bridget Christie. She was new to me because I don't watch a lot of BritBox stuff. It's absolutely charming and a lot of fun. And the character has an existential crisis at 50, learning that she's making the change. So she gets on her old motorcycle and goes on a pilgrimage around her old haunts in the forest of Dean. It's very funny. It's very charming. She is fed up with her husband. She's putting all of her microaggressions in it. I don't really want to spoil it too much. But the way that it unfolds and like, I don't like whimsy. And so this is like that perfect line of, it's not whimsy. it's this fucking shit it's crazy it's crazy about the change and i'm really glad they're gonna make another season of it i love it.
[20:43] Pam where are you on the internet people can hear you more read the stuff you do more about dark smurf magic.
[20:49] Well it's mostly listen to sassy is where i'm mostly on the internet and sometimes i go to instagram at pamela who's.
[20:57] Your favorite co-host on Listen to Sassy.
[21:00] That is a two-way tie.
[21:03] Wow.
[21:05] How different that.
[21:05] Between yourself and Dave?
[21:06] No.
[21:09] All right, Sarah, what have you been watching?
[21:11] I watched Woman of the Hour. Finally, folks, we have found it, a feature that should have been a feature and is a feature. This is Anna Kendrick's long-awaited take on the Dating Game Killer case. It's been out there. at festivals, actually for like a year, and just arrived at Netflix last week. But take on the dating game killer case kind of misstates what it is. If you're looking for just like another scripted overview of the case file, this is maybe not for you. But what it is, is one of the more economical and affecting illustrations of risk assessment that women have to do all the time, every day so that situations don't turn into capital B bad scenes and we don't get killed. And then making nice and trying to make men happy so that we don't get murdered sometimes gets us murdered anyway. And yet she manages to do all of this. It's extremely well acted by her and the entire rest of the Corps. She manages to do this in a way that is not like depressing. I mean, it's infuriating, but it's not depressing because she makes you feel recognized. It's also not grisly, but again, very well acted by everyone. Production designed with great care. I am absolutely anachronistic parking lot cop, where it's like, that's a minivan, that's not happening in 1974.
[22:41] And absolutely flawless parking lot work to the edges of every frame. Looks very 70s. It is on Netflix. I recommend it. And I reviewed it at, where I also have reviewed one of Aaron Lee Carr's gazillion projects that was out last week. My writing partner, Eve Beatty, reviewed the Grey's Anatomy Fraudster series, which she liked. That was also on Peacock. So give it a look. That's And link is in the show notes.
[23:11] Same question to you, Sarah. Who is your favorite Listen to Sassy host?
[23:15] Dara.
[23:16] Wow.
[23:17] Burn on Pam.
[23:19] Burn on Pam. I mean, I knew it wasn't me.
[23:21] Her check cleared.
[23:22] Yeah.
[23:25] All right. Here's what's coming up on Extra Extra Hot Great this Friday. It is the October forstating pool and it's the Paul Lynn Halloween special.
[23:33] God.
[23:34] Boy, I'm looking forward to this one. I don't know anything about it except kisses in it. And I saw the main graphic that we're using and I'm already in the bag for it. So I hope it lives up to my expectations as high as they are. You can listen to that. If you are a club member, go to slash club for more info. end to sign up. And when you're there and like, holy shit, is this actually your site? Yes, it is. It's been freshly redesigned. We've got some new features. We've got transcripts of new episodes moving forward. We've got contributor credits on things that you submit. So go check it out. See all the shiny newness there at And then come back here next week on EHG Prime. All right. There's a show Amazon's doing. It's called Buy It Now. And you're like, well, you shouldn't cover that because it's part of the problem. No, we are going to cover it because it sounds like the stupidest thing ever. And we're welcoming back Andy Dennert for that one. He's rebooked and he's super jazzed that we're talking about this Amazon reality show. I'm sure.
[24:37] Pam, Pam, Pam, Pam.
[24:41] Perfect.
[24:41] That music can only mean one thing. It is time for the Pammon. It's not quite the canon. It's the Pammon. And what is the Pammon, you ask? Well, it's like the canon, but instead of making the case for if it is good or not, we're just going to discuss whether this is good TV for Pam. And in particular, the way I'm going to attack it is, is this good TV for Pam circa 1990? You could bring your own methodology into it. We're not going to be sticklers for that. But that's how I'm approaching today's effort, which is 21 Jump Street, Season 4, Episode 23, How I Saved the Senator. Let me roll through the show for you. We open with a live news bulletin from Catherine Moorhead about an attempted assassination of a senator that was thwarted by the undercover officers of the Jump Street program.
[25:33] She tracks them down. And after some drama with a news camera threatening to record their precious undercover faces, Catherine Moorhead reveals she's not here for a new scoop. Oh, no. She's here to get the real story behind today's assassination attempt because she wants to write a movie about it. And that turns all the heads of all the 21 Jump Street people. And they are energized by this. Each member of the gang, in turn, this is the whole show, recounts the events of the assassination attempt, casting themselves as the hero. A little bit Rashomon, but there is a cherry on top of this concessual sundae. Since they are basically pitching a movie writer, each story is told with a genre baked in, a movie genre ready to go. The first is Harry Truman played by Justin Gwynn. And you have to remind yourself, this is 1990. Yeah, five years after Michael Winslow did the unnecessary language overdub thing in Police Academy 2, their first assignment.
[26:28] 21 Jump Street is also in on it with this kung fu movie take on the events of the day in which a gang of Chinese pastry chefs infiltrate the catering team and try to plant a bomb in a giant sheet cake. There's a big kinetic fight after this. It is poorly directed, but nevertheless, Dustin Gwynn is bringing the goods as his Bruce Lee-esque character here. It doesn't hurt that he is keeping it toit.
[27:19] The toitest.
[27:20] Harry Corners, the lead pastry chef, who turns out to be his hated childhood sensei type of character. They fight, and when Harry roundhouses him into his own cake, he explodes ghouly. So what about the Pam of it all for our first segment? Well, Dustin does a pretty good Bruce Lee, as I said, and he is easy on the eyes. The comedy is stale, but he manages to pull it off. So even though this is the most awkward of all the segments that we're going to be seeing today, I still think it's not bad. And by the way, if you want to see more Dustin Gwen, check out Warrior.
[27:53] Yeah. Because he's in that too.
[27:54] And he's really great in that. Catherine, that's her movie writer, exasperated, asked if anyone else could give the real story at which Pam's super crush Johnny Depp as Tom Hansen delivers what I believe is our first true Pam worthy moment when he clears his throat somehow while eating and grins confidently and points to himself repeatedly while he finishes his food. I think Pam is into this for some reason. He says words can't describe what happened. And then I shit you not. There's a seven minute Charlie Chaplin's silent film homage to the whole assassination attempt in primetime on a show for teens. Seven minutes out of 42 are this black and white, scratchy silent film. Tara, you had some historical conjecture about this, which I think is worthy to bring up at this point.
[28:46] I did. I was curious to know when Robert Downey Jr. was cast in the movie Chaplin. So I found out Richard Attenborough had started working on it two years before this episode aired. He got the rights to whatever biography he used in 1988. And Robert Downey Jr. has said he was 25 when he started prepping for it, which would possibly line up with the dates here that maybe Johnny Depp was potentially in the mix and was like, hey, write me this crazy thing so that I can show I can do it. Because Robert Downey Jr. turned 25 in April 1990.
[29:18] Yeah.
[29:19] So it could be.
[29:22] And Johnny Depp also was looking to leave the show.
[29:25] He sure was.
[29:26] So this might have been, might keep you around a little longer.
[29:29] Yes, by any means necessary. By boxcar, by another roll, by putting him into a carton and sending him to another country. Yes.
[29:37] I read that this may have been his last episode. Even though it didn't air that way.
[29:43] Yeah, that's right. It might have been the last one he filmed, but not the last one that aired. Yeah, that's what I read, too. So getting back to this Charlie Chaplin thing. Obviously, I have no clips for you for this one. But in this segment, there's an anarchist.
[29:55] The clips aren't silent. The clips aren't silent.
[30:02] So there's this anarchist. He's called The Mustache. And Depp's character is The Waiter. and he bumbles his way through the discovery and disposable of the mustache's cartoonish spy versus spy style round TNT bomb. All this happens while he's trying to gain the attention of Mary, one of the beautiful guests of the event. It's surprisingly well done. I don't mean it's perfect or anything like that, but considering the market they're going for and how they could have just phoned this in, it's actually pretty good in a bewilderingly competent way.
[30:33] Yeah, as an homage, it's extremely authentic. Like, it does seem like a real silent movie.
[30:40] Yeah, I agree. Like, just down to the fact that, like, nitwit is two words in one of the dialogue cards and that the top of the scroll at each dialogue card has the initials JS at the top. And I was primed to find this segment repellent in its self-regard, which it, I mean, there's plenty of self-regard, but it's mostly earned. Like, it is shocking that they attempted any of this. and I found myself being like, fine, this is pretty good. Like right down to the just sort of corkscrew of hair sticking off of dev's head like i i don't want to like this.
[31:20] But i have to because.
[31:21] He did a really good job.
[31:22] I was surprised but then like the capper for me is right at the end where the captain comes in and he's a keystone cop and they all do this keystone cop legs bent jump thing and it's just like i don't know a lot of little details in the silent film segment that didn't need to be there but they went for it and somebody's labor of love and i I think it actually translated pretty good onto the small screen.
[31:43] I feel like I'm not supposed to give my opinions at all, but I will say that when he goes back to get the next round of dishes and then they continue again, I genuinely laughed.
[31:51] That was very good.
[31:53] There's a smashing dishes over each other's head routine between the waiter and the chef, and they go through one stack and then he leaves and grabs another. So what about the Pam of it all for this one? First of all, Johnny Depp, one of the two big crushes that we'll see on 21 Jump Street for Pam that I know of so far. Just to address the elephant in the room, we're talking about 1990 Johnny Depp here and 1990 Pam here.
[32:17] Yes.
[32:18] Obviously, we're not talking about 2024 Johnny Depp. Thank God.
[32:22] Why would we?
[32:23] Why would we? I think a 90s Pam would be into this Charlie Chaplin-esque Johnny Depp as portrayed here. And as a chaplain audition, not too shabby. I think maybe a few too many I'm a goose eating some grapes motion with his neck that he does in certain scenes. Like five of those is okay. We didn't need 15 of them in the row, but okay. It's your choice.
[32:43] It got him Benny and June.
[32:45] I was going to say, he may have not got the movie, but he got Benny and June eventually.
[32:49] He sure did.
[32:50] So he's able to employ everything he learned on 21 Jump Street here. Doesn't get the girl in the end of this segment that he was courting earlier. So I think that's a plus for Pam because in Pam's brain, that means Johnny Depp's still available. All right. Next segment, Judy Hoffs played by Holly Robinson is in a, I don't know, it's like a 40s style crime noir, I guess. in which he plays the ingenue spouting rat-a-tat dialogue and all that kind of stuff about drinking and music and whatnot. It has Ray Parker Jr. at it. Jumanji! I can't stop saying Jumanji every time I hear. Ray Parker Jr. No, it's not Ghostbusters anymore. It's Jumanji, thanks to the Key and Peele skit about Ray Parker Jr. Holly gets to sing a Torch song for a bit before having to transition into her best Walter Osternak impression doing a polka because there's an evil accordion player and he has an accordion bomb that he left on the stage and she has to get it out of the room. So that's why she picks it up, starts doing a polka and then eventually disposes of it. And I think this is a good Pam segment because I believe in my heart that Pam loves exploding musical instruments. The gang has comments about this.
[34:10] Nap time, baby. the next one is one with sal as we just heard there what is sal's role in 21 jump street is he just like the maintenance guy janitor.
[34:23] And cheek inflator in charge.
[34:25] Okay this was my favorite segment sal is in a very quick high school horror film set almost entirely in a bathroom but we do get this piece of information before he goes to have a pee, gross real.
[35:08] Judith from hysteria.
[35:10] Yeah yeah evil horniness there so he has to pee the senator has to take a shit sal's in the bathroom the secret service comes in ahead of the senator frisks him while he's actually peeing and then the weed whacker killer comes in and like weed wax the senator's stall open it is so dumb i loved it each time we see the killer's face they just magically add another mask onto him another mask so he starts with just wearing a like a potato burlap sack and then like there's a pair of goggles over that and then on top of that is the jason hockey mask and then an umpire's mask or like a catcher's mask and then at the end there's like the Phantom of the Opera half mask and they're all stacked on top of each other. The guy's having a hard time keeping his head up. He's got so many fucking masks on. He's got five masks on. And then it just ends at that point. They knew they had to get out. They couldn't top five masks on a killer. And they're just.
[36:10] Like- They tried to put Bruce Campbell on the last, but he just fell right off.
[36:14] They had to cut the commercial. The Pam of it all, I believe she would appreciate the efficiency of a pan-horror spoof in the world's brightest bathroom. And I think they pulled it off. Pam's future pen pal, Peter DeLuise, see, listen to Sassy for Details, plays Doug Penhall in the James Bond segment in which James Bond is like really dumb and makes me wonder if Peter DeLuise has actually seen a single James Bond film.
[36:42] It's still entertaining, but it like kind of misses the mark as a parody. There's Blowfish, the villain. He has a senator lookalike that they're going to swap in when the bomb goes off so that he can have power in the highest levels. The whole segment is too long, but it does have one great moment for me. It's the way Peter DeLuise chooses to run down a hallway. He's got one hand on his torso. And as he's walking, the other one is like wildly swinging all the way up and all the way down while he's running. And he's running like quarter turned against the grain that he's running. It's so weird. You have to see it to truly appreciate it. But it kind of made me wish, this is like a bit of a backstory, but Pam wrote to Peter DeLuise once. I never heard back. And we tried to get a listen to Sassy to get people to to be the street team to get Peter Deluise to finally answer that letter or at least contact him in some way to let her know that she's valid. Her feelings about Peter Deluise back in the day were valid and he's here for her now. That didn't happen. But seeing the way he ran down that hall, it kind of gave me a little crush on Peter Deluise.
[37:50] Like playing him as a dopey lunk isn't a bad thing. And this is Pam's, I'm going to say it, future pen pal we're talking about this. So I think there's something really great here for, you know, 1990 Pam. It's something adorkable, if I may borrow a 2019 word about him here that I enjoyed.
[38:10] Yes. The way he sucks his cheeks in also is a choice.
[38:14] Yes. Thank you.
[38:16] It reminded me most of all, and I'm one of only two people, certainly on this call, possibly in the world who can say this it reminded me more of the Richard Grieco film vehicle If Looks Could Kill, with James Bond yeah.
[38:31] That's what Jason was Googling while we watched it.
[38:35] Yeah.
[38:36] So after all this, Catherine, our writer, is dejected. She doesn't think she got the real story. And of course she didn't. Captain Fuller has her talk to a person they arrested at the scene. It doesn't make any sense. He is a astronomy club student, I guess, at the school where this event is taking place. And when the senator is talking about sending some mission to Mars, he's like, I need to protect the future. and like slingshots a water balloon at him.
[39:02] Isn't that the future you want? Don't you want more stuff in space? They don't explain it. Like who the fuck cares? But I don't really understand that little beat of the story here. So we learned that this is the actual true story. This is the kid with a water balloon. She is for some reason very excited about this storyline and tapes over all the previous audio. She's been taping about everybody's take on the story to hear this kid. and then the captain at the end of the episode you know just being fed up with everything you know he was the guy that caught the student who water ballooned the senator and he hops on a horse in a sheriff's costume to happy trails and that's how the episode ends it's chaotic it's it's weird it's a really dumb episode of 21 jump street it's reach often exceeded its grasp in a lot of these segments you know we're talking about a tv budget but overall i think it was fun and dumb with good-looking guys and major Pam historical crushes, some of which have stood the time better than others, but let's travel back, shall we, to 1990 and see if the panel thinks 1990 Pam would enjoy this piece of television, would deem it Pam-worthy, and let's put it into Pam. Who wants to start us off that isn't Pam?
[40:20] I feel like Sarah should go first since she has the deepest institutional knowledge of 21 Jump Street.
[40:25] Please, Sarah, Start us off.
[40:27] Yes, I do. And a fair bit of PAMstitutional knowledge as well.
[40:32] That as well, yes.
[40:33] I went into this episode knowing that this very likely was done the way it was done because everyone couldn't stand each other. And this was a way to just silo everyone away from one another in terms of the lead actors so that probably Johnny Depp didn't get stabbed in the eye with a sharpened pencil. by his co-stars, I'm just spitballing here. So I expected to basically be like watching the runtime clock on this, and I was quite charmed by it. So as a canon episode, I would give it serious consideration, especially since my primary issue with this show at this distance is the extreme self-seriosity of all of the proceedings, but especially Hanson. And I used to recap these occasionally for, and that shit started from Jump Street, literally, like in the pilot. He's already being an asshole anyway. But how does this pertain to 1990 Pam? Well, I mean, you have two axes along which this will travel, two or three. There's the Crush Quotient. There's the humor quotient, and there's the would 1990 Pam have respected what they were trying to do?
[42:02] The art.
[42:04] Or thought it was pretentious. So that is kind of a murky area. if she's not an Aoki guy I'm not sure what we can do with the first segment but I do feel like the Penhall Naked Bond parody, was people just being dropped and accordions flying from the previous segment an accordion flies in I feel like that might be Pam Nip and the silent movie thing like, I don't know, like if you ever watched those like Buster Keaton shorts that would be on during a baseball rain delay with your dad, and then there is Johnny Depplin being like, look, if you can't insure Robert Downey Jr., I could do this. See? But he actually really could, and the entire production was sort of really lovingly done in each of the segments. Yeah, there's some weak spots, there's some segments that go on too long, but like the mask on a mask on a mask on a mask thing, I think, is right in Pam's wheelhouse.
[43:10] It's a really good joke.
[43:10] I think that this is Pam-in-worthy.
[43:13] Mm, all right.
[43:14] We don't, we're not traveling in the same lane in terms of, like, crush objects on the show, but I can see her lane from mine, and I think that this is Pam-in-worthy.
[43:25] Before we pass to Tara, I do want to say one thing that you reminded me of that I didn't mention in my rundown, which is they actually do a pretty decent job of sprinkling in events from one timeline into the other. My favorite one was the fight from the Kung Fu segment at the first is recreated as a slap fight in the Charlie Chaplin silent film, which I thought was pretty funny. So, all right, Tara, your take.
[43:48] On the episode, before we get into the Pam and worthiness, I have to shout out the fact that Judy's segment includes, basically a full musical number, which as we've talked about But when we considered the Moonlighting episode for the canon a few months ago, and we got that from Sybil Shepard, this is something that would happen with Mary Lou Henner on Taxi as well. Certainly with Dixie Carter on Designing Women. Just like leading ladies do be asking producers to write them singing scenes for no reason except that they just want to. And that's something we see less, and I think that's sad. The Elizabeth Gillies of Dynasty, the CW version, tried to bring that back, and I support her.
[44:32] Didn't she also sing the theme song to 21st century?
[44:34] Yes, she did.
[44:35] She did.
[44:36] Yes. Yes, Holly Robinson, later Pete, not Elizabeth Gillies, who I'm sure was not born yet when this episode aired. Okay, so that said, in terms of the Pam and worthiness of it, I mean, we know this is a, at this point, girl who is going to go on to write Wreck-It Ralph. So I think that she will feel a real affinity with all of the physical comedy in this episode, which is in all of the segments. But in terms of the crushiness, what you want when you are, I'll say, morbidly obsessed with a celebrity is for him to prove and for you to be able to point to.
[45:14] She's not correcting you.
[45:16] For you to be able to say, no, he's not just a hunk. He actually has real legitimate acting range. He can do other stuff. And I mean, that's all he wanted to prove with this, too. I'm speaking of Johnny Depp.
[45:29] Of course. Oh, God, did he?
[45:31] But he... Actually does like he, you know, this is he this is a high bar of difficulty that he has set himself and he clears it, in my opinion. Like he this is the the Charlie Chaplin segment is, I think, the best of the episode. But all of them have their charms like that. I mean, we keep saying it, but the five masks. That's like it's like a police squad joke. Like it's so it's so dumb.
[46:00] Naked gun.
[46:01] Yeah. Naked gun. Exactly. But the rest of them are, I think, all, even, I mean, even the blowfish one, which like, certainly there's no reason to think that. And then when they bring him back and like call him Stavros blowfish, like that's possibly where this whole episode began.
[46:18] Yeah.
[46:18] Making that joke. A blowfell blowfell fish joke.
[46:22] And I'm actually not mad. No, that's good. If they virtualized the whole thing from that joke, it's like, wow.
[46:27] Well, that exchange also has the James not bond listing off all the things that he thinks Blofield is trying to manipulate world markets with gold diamonds, junk bonds. And there's like this pause. I'm like, oh, my God. But still, I was like, all right.
[46:41] Yep. No, it's good. The one thing that could have like really topped this episode from what it is, is if the pastry chef in the silent movie segment who looks so much like Dom DeLuise had been Dom DeLuise, that would have been fun.
[46:55] Yeah.
[46:55] But what they did with what they had and him presumably saying no, I think is very good. And this is for sure, in my opinion, Hammond worthy. But it's not for me to say.
[47:07] That the sensei from the first one was one of the gang members from Back to the Future 2 on the hoverboards, I learned.
[47:15] No kidding. Oh, one other thing, Sarah, the kid who with the water balloon is fucking Brandon Walsh's bookie from West Beverly High from 90210.
[47:24] Oh, shit. I thought I recognized him from an earlier episode of Jump Street where I thought he had played a bookie, but it was a different guy. Speaking of 90210, James Whitmore Jr. directing the shtees.
[47:36] Yes, he did.
[47:38] That was a spinoff of 201 Jump Street, bookie.
[47:44] Writer Gary Rosen, who you're all complimenting with the jokes, presumably, wrote an episode of Beverly Hills 90210.
[47:52] Oh, which one?
[47:53] Scared very straight season four episode 30 1994.
[47:56] Oh is that magical drug toilet that's magical drug i.
[48:00] Believe pam you've heard everybody's take on it but the one that really counts, is yours because you're pam so pam if you're able to both tell us today and via 1990 pam what you thought about this episode.
[48:17] I wrote down first, Dave, did you look for an episode I would hate? I think you did. Like, I just was wondering, how did you get to a four sitting? Like, here's what happened.
[48:27] Oh, no.
[48:28] Here's clearly what happened.
[48:29] Oh, shit.
[48:29] This is like, like someone took my fanfic-y dreams where I would be a woman who walks into Jump Street and needs to get to the bottom of a story where each character has put me in their genre while they tell me that they were actually in a remote. romantic-ish relationship with me at some point. And that's what happened in this like intriguing, this is the story I told myself to go to sleep every night underneath my six foot Johnny Depp poster. So what's frustrating is, and I was like, and it'd be like a moonlighting episode, you know, with all the like antics. I have that written down too in my chaos notes. And what happens then is some boys take it and they buoy it up. And then you have to go fucking kung fu for 45 minutes, much longer than the Charlie Chaplin stuff. Then you're in a silent goddamn movie where Johnny's not talking. He's doing his thing where he's Edward Scissorweirds. So he's not accessible to you because he's not Johnny Depp. He's not talking. You can't see his Adam's apple. But yes, he's a very good actor. Even here, he's wonderful. Jazz. Then there's just jazz for a while. People shitting. Then, then James Bond, which I've not seen a one of, except if Austin Powers is doing it.
[49:51] Another thing you have in common with Peter Deluise.
[49:53] It's true. Then, even just a sheriff at the end to like kick you with some westerns. That was good, Dave. Every genre I avoid in one thing. If so. No. No. No. No. For me, no. I would have just been like, God damn it. what a long kung fu segment that was so long someone re-pitched.
[50:19] This for the bunion.
[50:23] First of.
[50:24] All someone re-pitched that name but.
[50:26] Someone re-pitched.
[50:27] This for the bunion because just like freeze-framing on a shirtless harry truman.
[50:32] Yeah no they all had moments right it was i watched the whole thing it was still you know it was fun i had a good, time as a grown-up me i i was able to enjoy it but i know that 15 year old me was mad at this episode yeah.
[50:50] It's like when i watched something that promised to go to space on tv and it turns out they just went into low orbit for three minutes and came back i feel like this is sort of like that for you which is like oh well this is just you you promised me this and then they boyed it up well they didn't space it up for me i feel like we're talking the same kind of disappointment they.
[51:10] Could have they could have rom-commed they they could have like they could have just done a different kind of antics.
[51:16] Comedy you could have.
[51:17] Had you could have had i don't know courtroom drama you could have moved.
[51:22] Johnny depp in the case of the missing pants right pam that's.
[51:26] As long as they travel i'm fine with it.
[51:28] Okay one last note maybe this will change pam's mind maybe it won't but let's give it up for the shadow steven-esque cameraman involved i don't know what that guy was wearing but damn he was like that or he's like straight out of mr mr i don't know what was going on there but that was not a cameraman looking cameraman don.
[51:46] Johnson heartbeat video.
[51:48] Yeah there.
[51:49] Was a running maybe racist joke i'm just still continuing that that kept going on we were like whatever that is going to be i'm not enjoying that would have that would have also.
[51:59] What are you talking about the.
[52:01] Senator is telling some sort of joke about he's.
[52:04] Telling yes oh yeah so then the rabbi tells aunt jemima yes you're right.
[52:08] Anytime aunt jemima is your fourth person walking into.
[52:12] A bar.
[52:12] I this should not have been in the episode at all and now you're coming back to it yes.
[52:17] Yeah i'm not sure what here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna give tara and sarah half vote i'm gonna give pam a full vote i think that's fair because it is the pam and we do have Pam here. Maybe one day we'll do the Pam and the Pam won't be here. It won't matter. But here we go. Sarah D. Punting. What say you? Do you think this episode and, you know, you can take Pam's court record into account in your vote. That's not a problem. Do you think this is Pam and worthy or not?
[52:45] Um, in the case of the missing Pam liking this, I think her objection is sustained. I'm going to vote against it because I think I was surprised enough by enjoying it that I failed to take into account that at that same age, I would, I would have been like, no, bye. by.
[53:05] Yeah, as sometimes happens, a compelling argument has changed my mind, and that argument is Pam saying, I fucking hated this episode. So, yeah, no, I can't vote it.
[53:14] Can't really.
[53:15] Can't vote it in.
[53:16] All right.
[53:16] No, you can't.
[53:17] Pam, we already know your vote, but let's make it official.
[53:20] They named her Moorhead.
[53:22] No, I'm just saying, there's more reasons.
[53:24] It means it didn't get in.
[53:25] She's in every fantasy, and yet she never says, like, well, that didn't happen. I wasn't there. So then it didn't structurally make sense either. So I'm just going to say that I'm happy you forced me to watch a thing to remember that they got very silly. Well, for the record.
[53:43] Those characters weren't playing themselves in those segments. They were all over the map. The accordion guy was not the evil guy in each one.
[53:49] Also, why wasn't her name Moorhead in the James Bond segment? Give Moorhead?
[53:56] Yes.
[53:57] Do we have to do everything? No, that's a great point. I'm sorry I defended this. Pam, please forgive me.
[54:01] Guys, we're running out of sad Hulk music. So that means.
[54:05] It's a you problem.
[54:06] For our very first, and probably the last, the Pammon. 21 Jump Street, season four, episode 23. How I saved the senator. It was looking good for a while. And then Pam, like the senator, came into the room and took a big shit all over it. And therefore, you are not inducted into the extra hot great Pammon.
[54:42] All right, it is time for the winner and loser of the week. Tara has this week's winner.
[54:48] Yes, the winner is Slow Horses, renewed for season six at Apple TV+. Not a surprise. Still great news. What a good show. No one has Apple TV+, so no one is watching it. So you people don't realize how fucking good it is. But now Apple TV+, is available as a Prime Video add-on. So if you want to add it on to your Prime Video subscription, you should. That and Dickinson are the two shows on Apple TV+. You should absolutely 100% watch. Everything else, meh.
[55:17] Yeah. That's a solid recommendation. Sarah, who is our loser of the week?
[55:23] Tara for forgetting that Space Show is on Apple TV+.
[55:26] Oh, I'm sure. Oh, yeah.
[55:27] Space Show, of course.
[55:28] Space Show, yes.
[55:29] Don't say its real name. It's Space Show.
[55:31] It's Space Show. The actual loser, in addition to Space Show, is Live PD. The staged arrest on that program has now led to a $2.5 million payout to the subject due to civil rights violations committed during it. This is not the only litigation the show is going to have to pay out on, and I'm fine with that. Drag them.
[55:55] Yeah, shout out to our neighboring county, Williamson, where this happened right here in Texas.
[56:00] Oh, yeah.
[56:02] That'll get pretty bad. Go from bad to worse. Not surprising. All right.
[56:06] Speaking of going from bad to worse I said speaking of going from bad to worse Oh yeah okay Do.
[56:12] You know what time it is?
[56:26] Pam. It's Pam time.
[56:30] Oh, no.
[56:31] I didn't make a Pam game.
[56:33] Oh, no.
[56:34] Shit.
[56:34] Oh, no.
[56:35] Oh, boy. All right, guys. This is the sixth game time of the current season. The scores are Tara closing the gap. Last week's win, she's got two. Sarah, still looking to get on the board. Value guess at three. Today, we are playing the I'm Dumb game from Wrightwood, who earns himself an extra credit, topic of his choosing, plus a free shirt from the Extra Hot Great store at Rightwood explains IMDB's trivia pages, that's right, it's I-M-D-U-M-B, are a great way for nerds to learn interesting tidbits about their favorite TV shows. Unfortunately, most of the trivia items are, well, just a little too trivial. In this game, players will hear three pieces of trivia taken from a TV show's IMDb page. Players must guess what series the trivia is referring to. Three points if you guess it after the first piece of trivia, two points after the second, one point after the third. Guesses can be made after each clue, comma, Sarah. Rightwood gets it. He knows what the question's going to be. And he was there with the answer before it was even asked.
[57:48] Actor and character names have been redacted where necessary and remember that imdb trivia has not been vetted for accuracy or i'm going to say often has shit that just makes no sense as you'll see in at least one of these okay so here's an example for you guys to play get familiar with the format here is your first piece of trivia the word bear is used once in every episode, usually in a different context. Any guesses here?
[58:17] The bear?
[58:18] The bear is not correct. Second piece of trivia, title characters' glasses actually don't have lenses in them, likely to avoid reflections from the set lighting, etc. No guesses. Third and final, Prince guest starred in a 2014 episode named after him. He also made a duet with the star of the show titled Fall in Love Tonight, which premiered on said show. That show is...
[58:46] New Girl.
[58:46] New Girl, yes. That is a one-point answer after the third clue. That's how you play. We do have Steel Mill, so we'll get the Steel Mill report in a second, but you can only use it after the last clue has been incorrectly guessed due to the format. So, Tara, Steel Mill situation, please.
[59:04] Thank you, Dave. Sarah has three. I have four. Valued guests have one plus Eric's meal for a total of two.
[59:11] All right. Let's throw it to Pickett. See your order today. All right, Pam's in the hot seat, followed by Sarah, then Tara. 27 questions today, one Grosworth Ecologic Challenge Zone right in the middle there somewhere. Are we ready to play the I'm Dumb game?
[59:31] Yes.
[59:32] Yes.
[59:33] That's it.
[59:34] All right, Pam, here we go.
[59:36] Okay.
[59:36] Your first bit of trivia from IMDb, name the show. The last U.S. broadcast network sitcom to be videotaped. Any guess here? You can guess if you know you have no chance in hell. Just ask for the next clue.
[59:54] Well, I can guess Friends.
[59:58] For one week in November 1994, while the series was number one in the Nielsen ratings, series star also had the number one movie at the box office and the New York Times number one bestselling book, Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man.
[1:00:16] That's terrible. Well, that should have been enough that maybe it's Tim Allen. And that would be then. I didn't say home improvement, but it was coming. It was coming. Home improvement.
[1:00:26] Home improvement. Yes, correct. Two point answer to Sarah D. Bunting. Season two, episode two. The tornado in this episode was, in fact, a real life event that took place in Beaver Falls, May 31st, 1985. A massive F3 twister touched down just outside of Pittsburgh, ultimately striking Beaver Falls, killing eight people. The tornado outbreak encouraged the series writers to come up with this episode since the series took place in Beaver Falls. Footage from a twister during that outbreak was used in the episode. I will not reread the clue.
[1:01:12] Uh well 9-1-1 beaver falls.
[1:01:16] Incorrect your second piece of trivia is for season 5 episode 8 this episode was supposed to be the pilot for a spinoff starring kevin titled living it up anatole was going to be kevin's roommate and the landlord named bruno would have had a wife played by Nancy Walker. Bruno also would have had an assistant played by Cheech Marin and there was supposed to be a loud overbearing neighbor played by Rose Marie.
[1:01:46] Wow.
[1:01:47] That's the spinoff we want to show that spinoff was going to be from just to remind you here. Also tornadoes.
[1:01:58] Tornadoes. Oh, God. I don't know. Quincy Emmy.
[1:02:05] All right. Last clue. Maybe a good clue for you. While doing the series, Bob Euchre continued his work as a full-time broadcaster for their Milwaukee Brewers. As a result, filming of episodes were scheduled to accommodate his broadcasting responsibilities.
[1:02:22] Bob Euchre. Bob Euchre. Which one was he on? Fingers crossed that it was Charles in charge.
[1:02:32] If you want to use a steel mill, you have to yell steel mill at this point.
[1:02:35] I could steal meal. Did I say it right?
[1:02:38] Steel mill. Yell it though.
[1:02:40] Steel mill.
[1:02:40] Yeah, okay, great. All right, Pam, what's the answer here?
[1:02:43] Mr. Belvedere?
[1:02:44] Mr. Belvedere, it's correct.
[1:02:46] It's not the only twister on that show, was it?
[1:02:51] Jesus Christ, people. What are you even doing on IMDb? Every piece of trivia about Mr. Belvedere should incorporate the fact that the man sat on his own balls.
[1:03:00] Taras.
[1:03:01] Yep.
[1:03:02] Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey is featured periodically through the series, mostly as main characters Whiskey of Choice on his boat.
[1:03:13] On his boat. Miami Vice.
[1:03:20] Fuck off.
[1:03:20] Whee!
[1:03:22] Back to Pam.
[1:03:23] Wow.
[1:03:24] First bit of trivia. Whenever Brother Man from the fifth floor introduces himself, he only holds up four fingers.
[1:03:32] Yeah, I don't know. This is not enough. He only holds up four fingers.
[1:03:37] Yeah.
[1:03:38] For the fifth floor, I'm guessing, he's saying. I don't know anything with floors other than the Jeffersons.
[1:03:48] The song Go Gina from R&B singer SZA, Control Album, was inspired by Gina always seeming so corporate and hardworking and never allowing herself to relax and have fun.
[1:04:00] Martin.
[1:04:01] You are correct. Two points. All right, then I'm going to read this last one because it's kind of funny. Season 5, episode 15. Spoiler! At the end of the episode, the judge ruled in Shanaynay's favor. The amount Tommy had to pay her was $170. After Tommy pays Shanene, he tells her to keep the change. Her dream team of lawyers then asks for their cut. Shanene gives them each $42.25 a piece. There were four lawyers. That's $169. Shanene then claims she only had $1 left over. That totals $170. There was no change to keep.
[1:04:41] Oh my God.
[1:04:44] Sarah, Linda Carter has admitted that she based her performance as President Olivia Marston on Hillary Clinton. What's the show?
[1:04:56] Jesus. Uh, I don't know. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
[1:05:01] Kyler Lee played Dr. Lexi Gray, who died after a plane crash in Gray's Anatomy. In this series, she is again the sister of a title character and is saved by her from perishing in an airplane crash in the pilot. She also tells Sam that she had a job as a doctor in Seattle.
[1:05:20] Yeah, my mind is emptied of Kyler Lee-iana. So can I have the last trivia bit?
[1:05:27] Season five, episode nine, goofs. Just before the evacuate Jonathan from Argo, Allura says, thank God when she is relieved to see that Lois and Clark are okay. As a Kryptonian, she, as a Kryptonian, she should surely refer to their God by name and use the phrase, thank Ro.
[1:05:50] Oh, Jesus. i mean if linda carter actually lexi gray kryptonians yeah i mean but it's not smallville so smallville i don't know what it is smallville it.
[1:06:08] Is not it is supergirl supergirl.
[1:06:11] Oh yeah Yeah, I actually watched that too.
[1:06:16] The final episode of each season features a wedding. The first season finality was aired out of order.
[1:06:26] Dynasty.
[1:06:28] Alex says, can't wait to see your Borat costume in nine years as a way to burn her ex-fiance. Nine years after the episode aired, the Borat sequel had just come out, so his costume would have been very appropriate. it.
[1:06:43] Alex. next i need an accent.
[1:06:49] Max says he's like a chubby chris o'donnell which in chicago is like a regular chris o'donnell however chris is from is from winneka illinois a suburb of chicago happy endings happy endings one point pam season two episode 14 as of 2024 there is still no ikea in Cleveland.
[1:07:15] No, I don't know.
[1:07:17] Second piece, season one, episode 12. The House of Habsburg is one of the most prominent and important dynasties in European history. In a bid to keep their power, they kept everything within the family. They arrived on marriages that partnered close relatives such as first cousins or uncles with their nieces. As a result, the Habsburg jaw has been long associated with inbreeding due to the high prevalence of marriages in the family in the Habsburgs dynasty.
[1:07:47] What the hell's happening?
[1:07:49] Yeah.
[1:07:52] I don't know. I don't understand.
[1:07:56] I'm pretty confident you watched this show, so that might help you. All right, do you want the third clue?
[1:08:00] Oh, I just got it.
[1:08:02] Season four, episode seven. According to a February 2008 Vanity Fair piece by Tim Long, former Miami Vice actor Philip Michael Thomas really did wear a necklace with the letters EGOT on it that symbolized his aspiration to win an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony. Those are your three bits of trivia. Name the show.
[1:08:26] The necklace is familiar, but I don't know what this is. I don't understand this first one. As of 2024, there's still no Ikea.
[1:08:33] In Cleveland.
[1:08:34] If you watch the show, it will make sense once you know what the answer is.
[1:08:37] Once you know what the answer is, you'll probably know what the answer is.
[1:08:40] I'm going to have to say I don't know.
[1:08:42] Anybody going to steam mail it? Okay, let me reread the first question for you. As of 2024, there's still no Ikea in the Cleve. If you don't get it off that, you're not going to get it.
[1:08:54] Maybe she didn't watch it.
[1:08:55] Maybe she didn't watch it. All right. That was Tara?
[1:08:58] 30 Rock.
[1:08:58] 30 Rock. Yes.
[1:09:01] That was in my head for a little while. But then it just seemed that second one with the jaw was too much. It went away from comedy for me.
[1:09:08] With Pee Wee Herman.
[1:09:10] Yeah. I just thought I didn't. Yeah. I was like, Bridgerton. I just didn't know what to do.
[1:09:17] Back to Sarah D. Bunting. During the show's run, Cadillac ran a series of ads for his new midsize sedan imploring people to Lisa Katera. Then the announcer would ask, who's Lisa Katera? Shortly after, Stacey Edwards joined the cast playing Dr. Lisa Katera from 1997 to 1999.
[1:09:38] I remember reading about that in Entertainment Weekly.
[1:09:43] Okay. I don't know. ER.
[1:09:48] Good guess.
[1:09:49] This show featured the first use of the word shit in an American network broadcast other than documentaries. Spoken by Mark Harmon in an appropriate context, very little negative publicity resulted.
[1:10:05] Well, as long as he said it navally. So I'm going to guess NCIS.
[1:10:12] The only Golden Globe win the show received was the performance of Credits Actor in the 1997 season, which was a funny moment during the award event when her name was announced as a winner and she couldn't be found because she was in the bathroom and had to rush to the stage to accept the award. Robin Williams went on stage, made some jokes, and later presented the award to her. It's not ER.
[1:10:36] It's not insane.
[1:10:37] We know that much.
[1:10:38] No. Chicago Hope.
[1:10:40] There we go.
[1:10:41] Oh, really?
[1:10:42] That's why I said it was a good cast.
[1:10:43] It's not ER, but... All right, Tara.
[1:10:47] Yeah.
[1:10:47] Cloris Leachman did not like her role in the series and often argue with the cast and crew. At the end of the season, she and John Shepard were fired and replaced with June Lockhart and Hugh Riley.
[1:11:00] Last in space.
[1:11:02] John Provost left the series after seven seasons because he tired of playing the role of Timmy. This made it necessary to fire the rest of the human cast.
[1:11:12] Lassie.
[1:11:13] Lassie is good for two points. To Pam. Volvic French water was the official drink for this sitcom and characters are often seen drinking from his bottles. Fran Drescher promptly copied this minute detail by having Evian French water be seen in many episodes of the nanny's character's hands. Ironically, Fran Fine is often portrayed as cheap, yet Volvic was France's cheaper alternative to the pricier Evian. Water-based trivia for Pam Ribbon.
[1:11:45] She loves to drink water. Well, in Vulvic, too. What the fuck, Fran Fine?
[1:11:50] We know it's not the nanny.
[1:11:52] Fran Fine. We know it's not the nanny. We have one out of the running. Fran Fine. So was the nanny based on something? Could it be like a nanny? We did Mr. Belvedere.
[1:12:04] I think it's just saying it's a show that was on at the same time that they were riffing on.
[1:12:08] It doesn't say that, but I think you can probably infer that they were generally from the same period of human history. But I will let you know it's not a nanny spinoff or nanny adjacent anything.
[1:12:20] That I know of.
[1:12:21] The nanny-verse.
[1:12:23] I don't remember everybody drinking.
[1:12:24] It's not super nanny. No, it's not super nanny. I mean, I can't even think of something where everybody's drinking water. It was just not the style at the time. That's fine. We'll just say Sex and the City.
[1:12:35] German network RTL showed a German version of the show called En Job FΓΌrs Lieben, 1993, which translates to A Lifetime Job. The scripts in every single joke of the original 1984 to 1985 season were translated, but it was canceled after one season. En Job FΓΌrs Lieben was preceded by a British version, The Upper Hand in 1990, starring Honor Blackman, which fared somewhat better despite also being a direct translation. whoo shit okay so the translated shows were called a lifetime job in the upper hand, In the original...
[1:13:14] Maud.
[1:13:16] You know the show's from the mid-80s. Anyways, here's your last clue. In the episode Car and Driver, it is revealed that Tony's middle name is Morton. Damn, it is Taxi?
[1:13:26] Ugh.
[1:13:28] What was your guess?
[1:13:28] It's Taxi. It's Taxi.
[1:13:31] Who's the boss?
[1:13:32] Oh.
[1:13:32] Who's the boss?
[1:13:34] Who's the fucking boss? God damn it.
[1:13:36] Who's the fucking boss?
[1:13:37] God damn it, I knew there was a nanny. It was the nanny.
[1:13:39] Why can't Tony Danza have characters that aren't named Tony? Messing up the scores.
[1:13:44] This trivia game always gets me too competitive.
[1:13:47] All right.
[1:13:47] I forget.
[1:13:49] Unlike his soap character, who was a loving family man who was married, Mulligan's character on this show was a loving family man who was a widower.
[1:13:59] Empty nest.
[1:14:01] Empty nest. Good for three. Tara. Much like the original film, a lot of season one was shot outside. this quickly proved to be a logistical challenge as the series shot exteriors in Toronto in winter at night crap.
[1:14:16] I thought i had it but that's definitely not mash i just like the original movie okay give me the next hint.
[1:14:24] It was a chicken the theme song you're dead want to put a guess here before i go further what we do in the shadows What we do in the shadows, two points. Back to our guest, Pamela Ribbon. This series led into more seasons of Monday Night Football than any other program during the ABC era, lasting six seasons from 86 to 91. This is the lead-in to Monday Night Football. For the football.
[1:14:54] But this isn't...
[1:14:56] Right. Actually. Right, that's where I was.
[1:15:00] All right, you got a guess or you want the next hint?
[1:15:01] Oh, fine. Everybody loves Raymond.
[1:15:05] In the episode Harry's Will, Harry leaves his vintage 1957 Chevy Nomad station wagon to main character. Henry Winkler played the attorney who handled Harry's Will. Actually, I'm going to reread that question because I don't think it's going to mean anything to Pam. It would be kind of funny. Here we go. In the episode Harry's Will, Harry leaves his vintage 1957 Chevy Nomad station wagon to main character. All right, Pam, that's not going to help you. Got to guess here at this point.
[1:15:41] No, because it's not MacGyver. It's MacGyver.
[1:15:43] MacGyver, two points.
[1:15:44] What?
[1:15:46] MacGyver.
[1:15:49] Sarah D. Bunting, you're next. There is an episode entitled The Hand of God in both the original series and the remake.
[1:15:59] One day at a time.
[1:16:02] Season three, episode two. In his podcast, Ronald D. Moore, an avowed Seinfeld fan, confirmed that The Twist and Swirl are references to Season 6, The Fusili Jerry.
[1:16:18] Okay, thank you. Battlestar Galactica.
[1:16:21] Two points. For Tara, take us into our score break.
[1:16:24] Yes.
[1:16:25] Every episode has the sound of ice cubes clinking on glass.
[1:16:29] Cheers.
[1:16:31] Season one episode three despite claiming to be jewish conway stern is uncircumcised and consumes shellfish oh.
[1:16:42] No why do i know that name next hint.
[1:16:45] Guest stars have included one osc winner jk simmons and four oscar nominees brian cranston kenny loggins burt reynolds and kamil najani what What?
[1:17:03] Uh. Uh.
[1:17:08] Uh. Uh. family guy I have no idea what.
[1:17:11] This is I have a guess you have one to me left do I but am I wasting other people's like later don't worry about that no no they just take it they.
[1:17:21] Get one they get one every week no matter.
[1:17:23] What I'll take it all right is it mad men Oh.
[1:17:26] Bad guess, Pam. Bad use of the steel mill, Pam.
[1:17:28] Damn it.
[1:17:29] Terrible.
[1:17:29] Oh, I've ruined it. Sorry. Is it drunk history?
[1:17:32] No. I'm not steel milling. It is animated. Tara got that much right. It is Archer.
[1:17:36] Oh, it's Archer?
[1:17:36] Ice cubes and clinking glass.
[1:17:38] Oh.
[1:17:39] Conway Stern.
[1:17:40] The animated madman.
[1:17:41] Conway Stern.
[1:17:42] Yeah.
[1:17:42] Pretty close.
[1:17:43] That's right.
[1:17:43] All right. Let's get the scores, please.
[1:17:46] It's pretty close. I have eight. Pam has seven. Sarah has six. All right.
[1:17:51] It's pretty close. I'm going to skip the gross-house Eagleizer Challenge Zone just because we are running long. So let's pile through this.
[1:17:57] Yeah, it's nighttime for Sarah.
[1:17:58] Nighttime for Sarah. Here we go. Value guest. That's Pam.
[1:18:02] A.K.A. Pam.
[1:18:03] Yep. Season one, episode 14, Fitz's night night guns are replaced with the icers, which are what are used subsequently in the series. God, these are so weirdly worded.
[1:18:16] Yeah, but I don't know. Keep going.
[1:18:18] Season six is the only season that doesn't have Hydra in it. Also, this show was already guessed previously in this game.
[1:18:30] Mad Men.
[1:18:32] This next clue is so long. I'm going to see if I can reduce it somehow. Colson identifies Professor Randolph's pen as a Waterfield 44 with a 14 count nib and a Mother of Pearl inlay. If you don't get it after that, you're not going to get it with all the additional information about the pen, which goes on for seven times as long as what I just read.
[1:18:52] Oh my God. Wow.
[1:18:53] Wow, pen people.
[1:18:55] All right. Coulson is the big clue there. Coulson.
[1:18:59] No. Lost.
[1:19:00] Not for Pam.
[1:19:02] That's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
[1:19:04] Oh.
[1:19:05] Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
[1:19:05] Oh, my God. No.
[1:19:06] That was never.
[1:19:07] Two Sarah.
[1:19:08] Threw that in the jump street.
[1:19:10] Oh, the spray eagle.
[1:19:10] First show to Switch Network's mid-season. Fox dropped the series in season three, and WB picked it up.
[1:19:18] Oh, shit. I'm going to be mad, but I don't know. Next hint.
[1:19:22] Season three, episode four. The scene in which the Finerties are playing the board game Sorry, Lily rolls a set of dice and gets a three. But Sorry is not played with dice. It is played with numbered cards.
[1:19:37] Next hint.
[1:19:39] Kevin Corrigan's real-life wife is Elizabeth Burridge, aka Crazy Amy. They married in 2001. They have one child together.
[1:19:50] And they just call it the ugly guy um i don't know the answer to this question is it benson.
[1:19:59] It is not anybody know it.
[1:20:01] Grounded for life.
[1:20:02] Grounded for life is surprisingly.
[1:20:05] Charming show with donald loge and kevin corrigan two sarah debunting faves.
[1:20:10] Tara yes the first long-running dramatic show this is the one i don't understand what they're saying. The first long-running dramatic show ever to have in an anthology-style clip show featuring flashbacks of previous episodes. Among the episodes are The Vendetta, The Kidnapper, The Man of the Year, The Revenge, The Murder Game, and The Target.
[1:20:35] Man from Uncle.
[1:20:37] While Daniel Roebuck made occasional appearances on the NBC version, he lost a ton of weight between appearances over several years, that went by and effectively allowed him to become a brand new character for the ABC run.
[1:20:52] Okay, well, first of all, good for him. Second of all, I don't know. Give me the last clue.
[1:20:55] This show is similar to Perry Mason.
[1:21:00] That's a trivia.
[1:21:02] Oh.
[1:21:03] The end? Okay.
[1:21:05] It is the end. The end is 1957 in brackets.
[1:21:09] Oh. Oh, I see. Okay. Is this similar to Perry Mason? Is it Matlock?
[1:21:14] It is Matlock. This is question. It is for Pam. Season six, episode one. This is the first episode after Farrah Fork was forced to leave the show due to health problems related to her breast implants developing a leak. She got them leaky boobs.
[1:21:40] Season six.
[1:21:41] Don't get leaky boobs, Pam.
[1:21:43] Yeah.
[1:21:43] No.
[1:21:46] Farrah Fork with an E.
[1:21:48] Yes.
[1:21:49] Got a guess here.
[1:21:50] Baywatch.
[1:21:52] Season two, episode five. First mention of Roy's son, RJ, who appear in a later season two episode played by Abraham Benrubi. RJ likes to place magnets on Roy's metal plate in the back of his head, which was installed due to a childhood incident involving his brother and a box of milk duds at a Little League game.
[1:22:19] Tale as old as time.
[1:22:20] Tale as old as time.
[1:22:22] This is such a weird time. Like, I... Nope.
[1:22:28] The show's theme music is a shortened version of the Rondo from Piano Sonata in A Major by Franz Schubert. Got that classical theme, Pam.
[1:22:43] Oh, God.
[1:22:45] Theme by The Shoe.
[1:22:47] I got nothing.
[1:22:50] Know this one wings that was wings oh wow 30 frustrating yes the show was supposed to have a sixth season and it would have explored another method of killing the nanobots inside of mac and riley the.
[1:23:09] League i know that's right.
[1:23:11] At the beginning of every episode in the first season Mac makes a symbol out of a paper clip to represent the storyline of the episode.
[1:23:23] Num three years.
[1:23:26] The opening theme to the original can be heard in the first few seconds of the opening credits. Ooh, the original.
[1:23:35] Uh, yeah, that doesn't help. Unsolved mysteries. Why not?
[1:23:41] All right, let me reread that clue for you. The opening theme to the original can be heard during the first few seconds of the opening credits.
[1:23:51] MacGyver?
[1:23:53] MacGyver, 2016.
[1:23:55] Oh, you son of a bitch.
[1:23:58] Wow.
[1:23:58] Boo.
[1:23:59] It's a camera clip.
[1:24:00] It's a camera clip.
[1:24:02] It's a camera clip. The six season episode, The Conversation, has the entire episode and the credit scene both shot in a single take. Because of the episode taking place by a bedroom door, the episode was never popular with audiences, despite the intimate scale and approach.
[1:24:18] Mad about you.
[1:24:19] Yes, three point answer. Nicely done. Pam, in season one, the word fuck was said 437 times.
[1:24:30] Shit, because this is a good one for like, the Sopranos is stuck in my head, but I actually think it might be Deadwood. I'm going to say Deadwood. Damn it.
[1:24:44] In season three, the word fuck is said 640 times.
[1:24:49] Now I'll try the Sopranos. Hey, two plans.
[1:24:52] No, I would have said that too.
[1:24:55] Sarah D. Bunting. Michael Mooney was initially up for the role of main character, but was told he wasn't quirky enough.
[1:25:09] Main character's social security number is 987-654-320, and his pin is 3674 spells out d-o-r-i.
[1:25:26] Nope next in.
[1:25:28] Ken jenkins wife katherine graduated from sarah lawrence college which was founded by the great great grandparents of bill lawrence.
[1:25:41] Okay. Hmm. I guess that's a show called.
[1:25:49] The show you always get the questions to is.
[1:25:52] Oh, it's that show. Thanks for the point.
[1:25:57] Yes. D-O-R-I-A-N. Dorian.
[1:26:01] Yeah.
[1:26:02] That's the clue there. All right. What do we got here? Got our last question coming up.
[1:26:08] Okay.
[1:26:09] Let's do. Vanessa Angel was originally to leave her show Weird Science and was set to play title character. However, Vanessa couldn't take the flight to New Zealand because she was sick with the flu and so Main Star was cast instead.
[1:26:27] Oh no. I don't think this is right, but now it's all that's in my head, so I'm going to say Dark Angel.
[1:26:35] Because it was Vanessa Angel?
[1:26:37] Yeah.
[1:26:38] The majority of Gabrielle's stunts and fight scenes were performed by Renee O'Connor herself, including the backflip from The Abyss, where Gabrielle kicks a cannibal in the face mid-flight, which was done without any wire work.
[1:26:52] Seeing a warrior princess.
[1:26:54] Yes, two-point answer there. That's regulation. Let's get the scores.
[1:26:58] Okay. Sarah has seven. Pam has nine. I have 14.
[1:27:03] All right. So, sounds like maybe Tar 1. tara tara thank you
[1:27:13] rightwood and that is it for this episode of extra hot great we sang the praise satans of the horror series hysteria before going around the dial with stops at what we do in the shadows the change and woman of the hour who the change spooky, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Dave told his version, why 21 Jump Street, how I saved the senator, should be the first inductee into the payment. We crowned Winnie, we crowned Winnie's and Losey's of the week. And Tara was a winner of this week's Game Time from Rightwood. Next up is the Paul Lynn Halloween special for the October 4th inning pool on Extra Extra Hot Great.
[1:28:09] I am David Teagle and on behalf of Tara Ariano.
[1:28:12] So the priest punches Geraldo in the nose.
[1:28:15] Sarah D. Bunting.
[1:28:17] Stop that anarchist.
[1:28:19] And Pamela Ribbon.
[1:28:20] What if they had also put a Star Trek one in there? That's the only way it could have been worse.
[1:28:26] Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time right here on Extra Hot Great.