Celebrities love getting out of their lanes! Sometimes it works well, as in At Home With Amy Sedaris, the titular host’s crafting/lifestyle show by way of The Monkees (returning to truTV May 20, so set that DVR!). Other times it’s this thing where Amy Schumer’s going to learn how to cook on Zoom for some reason (it’s called Amy Schumer Learns To Cook, and it’s premiering May 11 on the Food Network, if you’re morbidly curious).
Inspired by these two and their imminent premieres, we’re each going to pick two celebrities — and just for fun, two celebrities with the same first name, given the Amy confluence of our current moment. For one of those, we’re going to imagine a somewhat unexpected TV series we’d love to see him/her do. For the other, an equally unexpected yet TERRIBLE idea, based on what we know of his/her interests.