ehg 145 Joining The Fight With The Walking Dead Omar Gallaga returns to talk about the midseason premiere! Feb 15, 2017
ehg 118 UnREAL-ity Television As everyone's favorite dark Bachelor satire returns, so does guest John Ramos for all the money, dick, and power you can shake a walkie at! Jun 7, 2016
ehg 114 Blindly Watching Game Of Thrones Old gods Nick Rheinwald-Jones and Jeff Drake join the panel to talk the Season 6 premiere, 30 Rock, and Game Tome! Apr 26, 2016
ehg 083 Humans: Heard Of 'Em? John Ramos joins us as we look back on the first season of our #1 show of the summer! Aug 17, 2015
ehg 080 A Fine Kettle Of Catfish Kim Reed returns to discuss Nev, Max, Ma, Pa, and the Dillon Panthers. Jul 27, 2015
ehg 078 Scream-ing Meanies Eve Batey is back to talk about MTV's new horror-franchise reboot and play a spine-tingling Game Time! Jul 15, 2015
ehg 076 Under The Dome And Dumber Nick Rheinwald-Jones returns for a discussion of the most (a)pathetic show on network TV. Jun 29, 2015