Showtime’s new limited series, Fellow Travelers, takes us back to the 1950s AND the 1980s via Matt Bomer’s closeted Don Draper-esque life and loves — and the great Joe Reid is back in the guest chair to talk about whether the whole is less than the sum of a few very good parts; what Roy Cohn content might do a better job with midcentury context than this show; and how much sex creates character development. Then we went Around The Dial with Everyone Else Burns, The Fall of the House of Usher, and Paramount+’s Milli Vanilli documentary, and Tara plotted to get a tenth (!) Simpsons episode into the Canon. Seth Rogen’s ceramics hobby won, an ex-SNL writer lost, and we piled into the virtual minivan for a road-trippy Game Time. Moisturize your necks: it’s an all-new Extra Hot Great!
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Nov 1, 2023 Planning A Stay With Fellow Travelers
Joe Reid is back to talk about ripped McCarthyite Matt Bomer, plus a Simpsons Canon pitch and more!