On Becoming A God In Central Florida premiered on Showtime recently, and Floridian Jeb Lund returned to the podcast to discuss its geographic and period accuracy, whether it celebrates or mocks the poor, and all the process-y parts of a pyramid scheme (fine: “multi-level marketing”). We went Around The Dial with 13 Reasons Why, Why Women Kill and Pennyworth, and then we contemplated converting primetime shows into Saturday-morning cartoons, ’70s-style, in an Extra Credit from Dave Snyder. After a hilarious (if fatal to felines) Canon submission on Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace, we declared Netflix a winner, ABC a loser, and Dan Cassino an evil genius as we played a Hallmark Of Quality Game Time. Stock up on giant cans of nacho cheese before you listen to an all-new Extra Hot Great.

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Aug 28, 2019 Is On Becoming A God In Central Florida A Scheme Worth Buying Into?
Jeb Lund is back to talk about the Showtime dramedy, plus gators, a Darkplace Canon submission, Hallmark, and more!