Hitfix’s Alan Sepinwall kindly subjected himself to our very first Extra Hot Great franchise draft as we all picked from our favorite detectives, ADAs, MEs, and baddies to form Law & Order-verse superteams. Who emerged victorious? That’s up to you, and you’ll have to listen to know what we mean! After Sarah recommended Netflix’s inconveniently timed but still solid Making A Murderer, we went Around The Dial with the Fargo finale, iZombie, 30 For 30, the Globe noms, and a vintage Star Wars ad. Someone’s agent won, Eli Gold lost, and we were family for the last Game Time of 2015. Thanks for making it a great year, listeners! Insert your own “should auld acquaintance be my first ex-wife” joke here, and enjoy backseat general-managing another episode of Extra Hot Great.

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Published on
Dec 14, 2015 That Championship Season: The Law & Order Fantasy Draft
Alan Sepinwall helps the gang pick the very best ‘teams’ from across the L&O-verse…but will his Canon submission break bad?