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ehg 031
May 11, 2014


Who is Jeff Alexander working for?!?!? Us, as we make him watch 24: Live Another Day, and also join us to talk about it.

Official 24 correspondent Jeff Alexander joins us all the way from Minneapolis to discuss the first two episodes of the new mini-series. Around The Dial brings discussion of The Good Wife, NBC’s Rosemary’s Baby miniseries, and the cancelled shows we’ll miss the most, including the one about an undead entrepreneur. We consider the induction of Parks & Recreation’s “Sister City” to The Canon, and then it’s on to the week’s Winner and Loser and a Game Time that’s all about One-Season Wonders (except for the ones where it’s no wonder they got canned).

Episode Rundown

Lead Topic

Around The Dial

The Canon

Winner & Loser

Game Time

Episode Notes