Is The Contestant A Winner?

Snacking on kibble with The Contestant, Hulu's documentary about a notorious Japanese reality show/psych experiment.

In the late ’90s, an aspiring comedian was locked in a room naked, and had to survive on winnings from magazine contests — for 15 months — while the process was televised without his knowledge. Is Hulu’s documentary account of this kidnapping (?), The Contestant, worth playing along with? We discussed that; brought you Part 2 of the Sugar discussion; and answered your questions about fixing dumb show titles and adding twins to current shows, before listing the week’s Not Quite Winners and Losers. Librarians and poetry featured in your 15 Seconds of Fame…and half the IMDb featured in a little-seen, wildly over-produced 2000 Fontana/Levinson cop show called The Beat. Write away for an iPod Nano so you can listen in!

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