Lifetime has just completed an EXTREMELY important cycle of original movies: Identity Theft Of A Cheerleader, Undercover Cheerleader, and Cheerleader Escort. The world of cheerleaders is, of course, a natural for Lifetime: it involves a lot of women, and because it’s vaguely sexualized, it puts said women in a position where they can indulge themselves sexually, and/or where bad people might victimize them in some way, which they could overcome and eventually triumph. But what if Lifetime tried to make an Original Movie about a woman (or women) in a less expected line of work? I challenge you to pick an occupation and build out a Lifetime movie for a woman in the field. We’re each coming up with movie title, synopsis, cast, and in what ways it will be obvious to viewers in the know that it was definitely shot in Vancouver or Hamilton.

★ eehg 022
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Sep 20, 2019 Walks Of Lifetime
Digging into unexpected lines of work for future Lifetime movies!