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Feb 8, 2023

Should You Mark Dear Edward Return To Sender?

Mark Blankenship returns for AppleTV+’s latest sad-people series, plus a Cheers for the Canon, GBBO crackpottery, and more.

Primetimer’s Mark Blankenship returns to his eponymous chair to talk about Dear Edward, an adaptation of a 2020 book that most of the panel found manipulative and stilted — but others thought was moving and sweet. Does the show’s success depend on what mood you’re in when you sit down to watch? Why can’t writers’ rooms get middle-grade children’s dialogue right? And how’s Connie Britton’s hair? After addressing these critical questions, we went Around The Dial with Not Dead YetGhosts, and Buntsy’s Cheers and Frasierrewatches. We took a quick break from the extended Crane-verse to hear Tomke out on why Bake Off hosts have lost their authority; then Sarah hoped to send the eighth season of Cheers out on a high note with her Canon presentation of the finale. Triplets won, TV news lost, and a Non-Regulation Game Time. Return your eye tables to the up-rolled position: it’s an all-new Extra Hot Great!

Episode Rundown

Lead Topic

Around The Dial

I Am Not A Crackpot

The Canon

Winner & Loser

Game Time

Episode Notes