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ehg 349
Apr 7, 2021

Surveilling Law & Order: Organized Crime

Christina Tucker returns to talk about the latest addition to the Law & Order franchise.

Elliot Stabler has returned from his ignominious exile in…uh, a very nice-sounding job in Italy, and into an SVU spinoff that will find him Taking! His wife’s murder! Personally! all over the Mob. Christina Tucker joins us to discuss this new vehicle and what a(n unpleasantly) surprising departure it actually is from the Law & Order model. Around The Dial takes us through Made For Love, Wipeout, Godzilla vs. Kong (on HBO Max! Watch it while you can! A lot!), and The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. Olivia makes the case for Doctor Who‘s “Silence In The Library” to be inducted into our Canon. Then after naming the week’s Winner and Loser, it’s on to a non-regulation Game Time that has us choosing some odd numbers. Get on the Wonder Wheel and crank us up!

Episode Rundown

Lead Topic

Around The Dial

The Canon

Winner & Loser

Game Time

Episode Notes