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Jan 29, 2020

Raising A Nice Glass Of Bordeaux To Picard

Maureen Ryan returns to talk about the newest TV series in the Star Trek franchise!

CBS All Access has chased Star Trek: Discovery with Picard, picking up with everyone’s favourite retired Starfleet admiral as he…well, to be honest, he’s probably not going to be spending much time tending to his French vineyard. What is he getting up to? Maureen Ryan joins us to talk about it! Around The Dial takes us through The Goop Lab, Shrill, The Expanse, Veronica Mars, and Flack. We discuss whether Doctor Who‘s “Heaven Sent” should be inducted into The Canon, and then it’s on to a Game Time that will leave you starry-eyed. Cozy up with a beloved pit bull and listen!

Episode Rundown

Lead Topic

Around The Dial

The Canon

Winner & Loser

Game Time

Episode Notes