Our esteemed colleague and Star Trek fantasy-draft star Mo Ryan returns to the podcast to talk about Liz Garbus’s four-part New York Times documentary, The Fourth Estate, and the various frustrations we all had with both the documentary itself; its sometimes navel-gazey and tone-deaf subject; and all the things we wished the series had covered (or skipped)…though the intensity of our feelings probably means it’s worth a watch. Also worth a watch in our Around The Dial section: Killjoys, Wynonna Earp, and Jane The Virgin, with another Showtime doc project, Love Means Zero, rating a skip from Buntsy. We mourned Tara’s DVR, took Mo’s Canon pitch for a season finale One Day At A Time, and declared a couple of vintage sitcoms Winners AND Losers before playing a super(hero)-charged Game Time from Dan Cassino. Let’s hope we didn’t bury the lede for an all-new Extra Hot Great!

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Published on
May 30, 2018 On The Record With The Fourth Estate
Maureen Ryan is back to discuss Showtime’s Times documentary!