Two ex-contestants from RuPaul’s Drag Race see their web series graduate to a half-hour weekly comedy show on Viceland, so Mark Blankenship is here to help us spill the tea on The Trixie & Katya Show! Around The Dial spins to the series finale of The Mindy Project, Season 2 of The Girlfriend Experience, ABC’s new high school musical special Encore, and Rolling Stones: Stories From The Edge, before Tara gets another chance to master the Pickle And Peanut theme song. Mark presents Insecure‘s “Hella LA” for The Canon, and then after calling out the week’s Winner and Loser, it’s on to a Game Time that’ll have you whipping off your bra and/or breathing fire. Tease up your wig and join us!
- Lead Topic 💄 The Trixie & Katya Show
- Around The Dial 🩺 The Mindy Project
- Around The Dial 👜 The Girlfriend Experience
- Around The Dial 🎭 Encore!
- Around The Dial 🎸 Rolling Stone: Stories From The Edge
- Around The Dial 🥜 Pickle & Peanut The "Pickle & Peanut" Challenge
- The Canon 🌴 Insecure
- Winner & Loser 👍 Dynasty (2017)
- Winner & Loser 👎 Yet more TV men accused to sexual misconduct
- Game Time 🧠 It's Only Tits And Dragons