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ehg 100
Jan 11, 2016

The Final Count-Downton

Downton Abbey is back for one last spin around the foxhunting course…or something.

Downton Abbey is back for one last spin around the foxhunting course…or something, and Nick’s back to discuss the wedding, ageless Daisy, and what will become of Thomas and Lady f’ing Edith. We celebrated a Tiny Triumph, welcomed Smooth Joey Apollo to talk Golden Globes, joined The Hunt For John Wilkes Booth, and went around the dial with Angie Tribeca, Sherlock, American Crime (NOT American Crime Story or, um, Crime Story), Hoarders, and Pickle & Peanut before declaring an unlikely winner and a tardy loser. Will Game Time coin a new phrase? Did Flight Of The Conchords come in for a smooth Canon landing? How many times did we scream “SPAAAACE”? Don’t make us blackmail you into listening to an all-new EHG.

Episode Rundown

Lead Topic

Around The Dial

The Blotter Presents

Around The Dial

Tiny Triumph

The Canon

Winner & Loser

Game Time

Episode Notes