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ehg 094
Nov 9, 2015

Less Kissing, More Superpowers

That’s Monty Ashley’s recommendation as he joins us for superhero TV talk, a Nonac, alphabet Game Time, and more!

Our esteemed colleague Monty Ashley covers most of the comic-book shows on Previously.TV, and he’s back to talk about superhero TV from Arrow to, er, Zagents of SHIELD. We wrapped Project Project Greenlight, recommended Maura Murray materials in The Blotter Presents, and went around the dial with ballet, buried treasure, Survivor‘s eternal allure, Aussie TV recs, and Cheese of Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends. Monty made his pitch to put an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia episode in the Nonac; Jones won and Trump lost; and the rule of threes ruled Game Time in another Rob Hartmann creation. Who saved the day and who got stuck in the phone booth? Listen to an all-new Extra Hot Great and find out!

Episode Rundown

Lead Topic

Around The Dial

The Blotter Presents

Around The Dial

The Nonac

Winner & Loser

Game Time

Episode Notes