Honored guest Trip “Willa Fortune” Payne joined Regina Dentata, Juana B. Arthur, and Salacious Bum to tell the T about Drag Race: what we like (Snatch Game), whom we hate (Santino), which queens we think will win (it’s a surprise) (…not really). We celebrated The Good Wife‘s big twist and bemoaned Scandal‘s “Quuck” pairing; Sarah drew parallels between Olivia Benson and Carol Hathaway; and Dave invited everyone to join the forums’ Firefly rewatch. A seminal ’90s sitcom ep was considered for the Canon before we declared the week’s winner and loser, and played a fan-tastic Game Time. We’re serving radio realness (and possibly giving away a toaster oven) on this week’s Extra Hot Great.

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Mar 24, 2014 Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, And Trip On Drag Race
When Trip Payne returns to talk RuPaul’s Drag Race and historic sitcoms, everyone’s a winner.