Disney+’s biggest series launch of the years so far is The Acolyte, the platform’s newest extension of the Star Wars universe; with circumstances keeping both Sarah and Julie Pecaut, our would-have-been guest co-host, from joining us, it falls to Dave and Tara to get into the weeds of what worked and what didn’t in The Acolyte‘s two-episode series premiere. After awarding a sticker prize to the best answer for this week’s Ask Ask EHG question about the TV retcons that should have been, we move on to a whole new raft of questions on topics ranging from hypothetically switched-out TV catchphrases, actors who are visibly loving performing in particular roles, and our favorite TV episodes of all time. We crown the week’s Not Quite Winners And Losers (including the absent Julie’s picks), then close it up by fumbling through our answers to Sean’s Extra Credit prompt about…Doctor Who?! Yes, really. Put all your little throwing knives in a safe place before you sit down and enjoy our latest bonus episode!

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Published on
Jun 7, 2024 Mastering The Acolyte
Dave and Tara are on their own for a discussion of the latest Star Wars series!