Sylvester “Tulsa King” Stallone is exploiting his new fame as a streaming TV star in the most predictable possible way: by getting Paramount+ to produce an “unscripted” show starring himself, his wife Jennifer, and their three beautiful daughters. We tell you if it’s a TKO. (Because he was in Rocky.) Then we answer your latest questions on our backstory, hot goss we’ve heard, unhinged reality shows, and more! We bring you the latest Not Quite Winners & Losers, and then it’s on to an Extra Credit from our Discord’s own sisterknight, asking us to find work in shows we love for stars we hate. Put on your suspiciously thick-heeled cowboy boots and join us!
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Published on
May 19, 2023 Joining The Family Stallone
We tell you everything you need to know about Paramount+’s Sly new Kardashalike!