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ehg 353
May 5, 2021

Nice British People Doing Nice Things

Alex Collins returns for our first Program EHG episode, in which our listener Heather bosses us all around…nicely!

A while back, we put out a call for six-word pitches to program a whole episode of this podcast, and our listener Heather was the victor with “Nice British People Doing Nice Things.” As a result, she has slotted in (virtually) every show you will hear us talk about in this episode, for which we are joined by returning guest Alex Collins! First, we all tuck in on the pop history series Back In Time For Dinner. Then Around The Dial takes us to France for Escape To The Chateau, Newfoundland and Kenya for Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond The Lobby, Wales for Escape To The Country, and a British mail route for Postman Pat. As required by Heather, Tara presents the Corner Gas episode “Happy Campers” for induction into The Canon. Then after naming the Winner and Loser of the year 1992, we go knocking on Game Time’s door. Make yourself a lovely cup of tea and join us!

Episode Rundown

Lead Topic

The Canon

Winner & Loser

Game Time

Episode Notes